Monday, September 14, 2009

Lady GaGa Sings Paparazzi And Ends Up Covered In Blood

In one of the most bizarre performances I have seen on the Video Music Awards, Lady GaGa "sang" Paparazzi. It is definitely unique and actually pretty interesting if you can get past the blood thing.


  1. Ah, you know? I just don't get the whole Lady Gaga thing. Is that what passes for talent these days????

  2. if by "unique" and "pretty interesting" you mean "ridiculous" and "in poor taste", then i agree.

  3. Oh dear. I must be getting old because I really don't get it.

  4. She'll never be more than a pretentious butter face.

  5. I also don't "get it", and i've tried really hard to with her in the past. I'm only 22 and i feel out of touch already.

  6. I can't see the video but I'm sure it was all "art".

  7. did not like lady gagas performance. pink had a cooler performance, she needs more credit for that!

  8. I enjoyed the performance, though it wasn't one of her most successful. How I saw it was as a kind of baroque opera vignette where the 'star' is martyred in exchange for her fame.

    She's clearly smart but it's currently senior year performance art smart--there's not a lot of depth or insight there. (Yet.)

    The outfits are amusing though. Kind of like if Bjork was a bitch. With a bit of Pet Shop Boys mixed in.

  9. Say what your want about her, she sang live and sounded pretty darn good.

  10. she scares me...that being said, she has a killer body! with or without the alleged weiner

  11. that was more than disturbing

  12. The one guy REALLY looks like he has a thong on his face as a mask.

  13. Definitely interesting. David D made a good analysis.

    I find it pretty amusing that Enty thinks she was lip syncing, since there was an article months ago that said she would never lip sync.

  14. I wasn't a big fan of the mix of the song, after all she's a dance artist, no?

    However, I thought becoming a bloody piece of meat hanging from a chain over the stage was brilliant. It was much more telling of the artist than the 'clever' Thriller set where the ghosts of MJ danced to his video.

  15. Love Lady Gaga's music and I'm over 50. Her outfits are interesting, sort of apocalyptic Madonna. And she can sing MUCH better than Madonna. Don't really get all the hate about her.

  16. Agree with David, and I loved it. It was my first time hearing her music/voice. Doll can sing! And she plays piano - so she's a musician/composer who's got over-the-top gimmicks. She doesn't need them but they're fun.

  17. I totally love how that one dancer is wearing A THONG ON HIS FACE.

    Keep it classy GaGa.....

  18. I've never seen her perform before and I loved it! She sang amazing live. And she gave a Performance. In this time where a doped up Britney entertains by walking from side to side and Heidi Montag can get a stage, it was interesting to see someone try to shock an audience.

  19. She is so average as a singer. Her music...right now I can't think of a single song other than this stupid one in the video.
    She is more clown than performer.

  20. I'm pretty sure I've heard "Poker Face" on the radio, but never this song, and I've never watched her perform live. I actually liked it, and it's nowhere near the genre of music I typically listen to.

    She can sing, she doesn't lip synch, and even with all the gimmicky costumes, she puts on a show worth watching, it's interesting, if nothing else. Sure as hell beats the bland, factory churned pop crap of today.

  21. It's great to see a music artists that actually sings live. I always give them props for that.

    I thought she was very interesting and the whole set/costumes/etc made me want to watch more this video. I've never seen her live, so I didn't know what to expect. I liked it. She entertained me. Lots of us are so jaded when it comes to music, videos, etc, that something new really catches our eye, for good or bad, it just all depends. But, people are talking about her. :)

  22. Some of her songs seem catchy but, man she seems like such an art school student who likes to sit in her dorm room and cut. Everything about her is about seeking attention. Pass.

  23. Team GaGa all the way. Refreshing to see an artist taking their music and performance seriously!!
    The song, Paparatzzi is great, and yeah, isn't that what they do to celebs, stalk them to death??

  24. I had no idea that she had that kind of voice! And I really liked it. Felt very 'theater' to me.

    David D, I really liked your take on her performance.

  25. Ooh, Jenny S, you just summed her up perfectly.

  26. I'm not going to lie - I absolutely adore Gaga and this performance just makes me love her more.

    It's damn refreshing to see an artist, as off her rocker as she is, get fame and airplay for songs that she wrote and sang herself, and for put on shows that she planned and created.

    She has written for a whole bunch of other people, is classically trained musically, she's just bursting with talent. Whether you like her or not, face the fact that she has talent and has never lipsynched on a show. Ever. Pop music is getting the wakeup call it desperately needed, because I feel like America is tired of autotune and oversexualized, lipsynched, dance performances.

    When I went to her show, I was blown away. She was candid, hilarious, and her shows and outfits were amazing. I love her <3 <3 <3

  27. I found it interesting. Performance art. It may not be my favorite song but certainly showcases her talent. A nice change of pace.

  28. I am a GaGa fan but before I was all I knew about her was what everyone else had to say, I would see her on this site looking bazare and other places and hear how everyone would call her out on being an attention whore. While i think she works the media once I listened to her music I was blown away. She really can sing and sing uniquely, and while I honestly liked the performance at the VMAs it was a bit crazy and i did wince when she was hanging there and the blood was in her eye like that. But then again its an intense song and the reality is people like lady Dianne and others are hounded and sometimes die from paparrazi so GaGas song isnt really far off from reality.
