Lady GaGa Gets Asked Whether She Has A Penis
Well you knew some reporter would ask the question sooner or later. With all the conspiracy photos and videos of Lady GaGa and whether or not she has a penis, someone finally asked. A reporter in Berlin decided to be brave and asked in what I thought was a very polite way.
"I love your Marc Jacobs outfit, you look great. I do have one question for you though - have you got a penis or not?"
Lady GaGa was pissed and answered, "My wonderful vagina is very insulted by this question." At that point the reporter was removed from the press conference by security. The reporter defended herself later by saying, "I don't really understand the fuss. It's obvious someone would ask her this question after the picture was all over the news."
It is a fair question and now no one needs to ask it again. Reporters shouldn't be afraid to ask a tough question. People wanted to know the truth or to hear an answer from Lady GaGa and now they got one. She is partly to blame because she encourages the speculation because it creates a bigger buzz. I think she was probably more pissed she was going to have to answer the question then she was about the nature of the question. Once answered, then there is no more buzz and no more conspiracy.
As you can tell from the photo above, the question has been a big topic for people in Berlin. That is the front page of a newspaper. Of course a reporter is going to ask the question because it is obviously something that is important to readers there.