Friday, September 04, 2009

The Khloe Kardashian Coke Story Keeps Getting More Strange

A few weeks back, I told you about a scene in the new Kardashian show called Khloe & Kourtney Because We Want Money Too. In te scene, Khloe is confronted by her sisters after they find coke in her purse. Khloe then spun this story about how someone left it in the changing room and she picked it up and put it in her purse because a customer was coming in the store. Uh huh.

Well, now it turns out there is more. While in Miami, Khloe was given a weekly radio show and during the show she took out the vial of coke and started talking about it.

"I have never done coke, I'm just not into that stuff. Look what I found at my store! It's like coke, I don't know, but what do you do? Do you like snort it through here?"

As she mimed snorting the substance, she added: "I'm so high! It's not mine, it's just cocaine, it's not mine!"

So, let me get this straight. She found this coke on the floor and was going to throw it away but didn't have time so put it in her purse. Later she still happens to have the coke in her purse and brings it out on a radio show? If she was so freaked out about it why didn't she throw it away? Then to make her claim even more dubious she says that she had never even seen coke before in her life until she picked up that vial. Uh huh.


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