Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Kevin McFederline Within 150 Pounds Of Me

Kevin Federline is at that point where I was about 15 or 20 years ago. It is a line. On one side of the line you say, "hey I'm going to do something about this," and you end up losing all your weight or yo-yo-ing but you make a commitment. The other side of the line says, "I'm doing ok, and I have a girlfriend and I love eating so why should I try to lose weight?" If you choose the second option then you start to expand at a rapid pace because you have given yourself the ok to do it. Kevin is at that point now. As it is it will take him probably six months or a year to lose this weight. Sometimes the thought of that becomes overwhelming so you say meh and just keep eating your way through fast food restaurants and super sizing every meal like Kevin is.

I think when people realize they are a hundred pounds overweight it is too much to process and they should focus instead on losing one pound that week and one pound the next week. Don't try and think in terms of losing 100 pounds because it is too hard and you will end up failing. If your goal is to lose one pound, it is much easier to succeed and therefore you will be motivated the next week to lose another pound. Chances are it will stay off also.

Oh, and P.S., that tattoo on the back of K-Fed is the ugliest tattoo ever. Just saying.


  1. Sadly, I still think he is doing this for endorsment money....

  2. I think that tattoo loses to Megan's least Kevin's is usually covered up.

  3. Thanks for sharing that, Enty. I think that post just put things in a whole new perspective for me.
    I certainly hope Kevin isn't doing this for money. That's a dangerous risk to take. Fortunately, losing weight the right way is a lot easier to do when you have tons of Brit-Brit's money to toss around. The average Joe doesn't have access to that kind of dough. No pun (or rhyme) intended.

  4. HOLY CRAP ... damn, Kfed.... I think this is beyond getting an endorsement and he's just given up - he has the money, he has a woman, he doesn't have to put out sh***y albums anymore.

    Enty, if you weren't such a big guy you would make a great weight loss counselor. ;)

  5. Hopefully it's to endorse extra large body bags or coffins.

    I agree with you, Enty. I've lost over twenty pounds by focusing on the little steps and not the whole staircase.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, btw. :)

  6. I agree with the overwhelming part though. I had an 11lb baby last year and am pregnant again. I haven't lost all the weight from the first one (which was considerable) mostly cause I knew we wanted another one right away, but still. Alot of it is also the idea that losing that much weight is impossible. I know it isn't but it can be frightning staring down the end of that tunnel.

  7. Holy Crow! I mean, it only took him, what? A few months to a year to get like this? What's he eating? Or better yet, what's he NOT eating????

    I'm going through an early 'change', and for the first time in my life (besides when I was preggers), my middle is starting to, erm, spread. I'm about 18 lbs heavier than I was this time last year, and I am damn well not going to wait another 80 pounds to do something about it!!!

    I'm just recalling now what he looked like in the early BritBrit days. Wow... just, wow...

  8. Damn, is Britney paying him in Bic Macs?

  9. I am just glad that a man is finally being scrutinized for his weight.

  10. Ok. I guess it was actual fat and not a pillow he had tucked under his shirt. Wowser!

  11. Nuh Uh Enty, the ugliest tatoo EVER featurs bald & crazy Britney. Runners up include: the Conan O'Brien tatoo, and Patrick Swayze as a Chippendale's Dancer/Centaur with a rainbow background. Okay, that last one's actually worse the the bald Britney tatoo!

  12. I can't help think of a great Simpson's episode called "King Size Homer" where Homer gains 61 pounds to get on disability so he can work from home. I'm guessing in Kevin's case it's for an endorsement deal or maybe, just maybe, he's following Homer's example.

  13. He has enough money to pay a cook and a trainer, come on.

  14. i think his weight gain is due in part to depression maybe? i mean, his "career" has never taken off...i think he just doesn't care. it's sad.

  15. Time for him to step into a speedo, tucking in the junk and look in a mirror. I promise that the kilos will melt off. Ten pounds per month is not a problem.

  16. Wow. He needs to get back to dancing, stat.

  17. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I honestly cant stop staring at these pictures. I know he has been getting heavy but it seems like he got this big overnight.

  18. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Can't think of words to say besides what everybody here has already mentioned.

  19. Someone on CDAN a few weeks ago (sorry, don't remember who), suggested the most plausible explanation for K-VeryWellFed's horrific weight gain:

    He is now subject to regular drug-testing—which he must pass—in order to retain cu$tody of his children with Spears. (Give the lawyer who came up with that idea a raise, Brit!)

    Makes sense to Scooby.

  20. How can you have that much money, that much time since you don't work, and let yourself go like that?!?!?! Why wouldn't he exercise? I guess he's second trimester now, wouldn't you say? And it wasn't a clue when he had to go up a size in clothes?!?! And then again. And then again. I'm sure he hasn't seen his penis in at least a year! If it's even surviving under all that.

  21. Well Britney would probably be this big too if she didn't have such constant pampering with cosmetic surgery and laser lipo, lipossage, etc.

    He might've gotten this big so Brit would no longer be attracted to him. didn't the rumor pop up a while back that she wanted to reconcile?

  22. Ah Scooby, you might well be onto something there, especially as the money's gotta be worth more than the high but why would you keep on eating like you've got the munchies if you're no longer flying high?

    Curiouser and curiouser.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. oh em gee!!!! he just doesn't give an eff! dude, he'd be a great guinea pig for those weight loss jenny craig....he needs money right?

  25. I'm sick of all the Kevin bashing and now even more tired of hearing about his weight.

    He's obviously doing it either for his new reality show or his weight loss endorsement or both. Either way, it's not really newsworthy. Just stupid.

  26. uuummm, wow. that is really sad that he got so big! the guy is a professional *cough, haha, cough* dancer! you think he would take a little more pride in his body shape. i hope, for his sake, but mostly for his kids sake, that he can lose this weight. that is not healthy. and Enty is right, slow and steady wins the race!

  27. can someone give him Christian Bale number? thank you!

  28. _+_=_ I think you're wrong. He could only be in his second trimester if he was having triplets. I think he's past his due date.

  29. I thought he was already offered a weight-loss endorsement and he turned it down? I agree - that tattoo is hideous!!!

  30. Anonymous2:09 PM


  31. I feel really bad for the guy going thru all this under public scrutiny. He's obviously depressed. Happy people are rarely fat. If he has had substance abuse problems in the past, he's just changed over to food.

    Anorexia & obesity are the same thing, just different ends of the spectrum. Same issues, same loneliness. I wish people would give the same sympathy to "The fat pigs" as they do to the sickly skinny folks.

    Yes, I've been both. Neither is fun and it's not as easy as "just quit"

    Chastise a guy for being a douche, but leave weight out of it.

  32. Perhaps he will eat himself to death and Britney will have one less thing to worry about.

    Brit should encourage the Red Beans & Rice, Daube & Red Gravy and Ponay Meat diet on this gold digger.

  33. please, if it weren't for everyone around Britney picking up after her crazy,there would be no Britney anymore.

    man, i feel for the guy. that is STRESS weight ya'll! most people who stop smoking weed lose weight from not havign the munchies anymore and this guys is still smoking i'm again saying cortisol. dangerous.

    the funniest part of this is how we women feel the need to protect and feel bad for him being tubby..ha! you'd never see guys say that about a girl!

  34. Steeeretch those tats

  35. Jax, he could take Metformin to help with the extra cortisol. I think he smokes waaaaaay too much weed & eats waaaaay too many Jalapeno Cheetos.

    Plus, he isn't exercising as much 'cause he's no longer a dancer. His metabolism is running hellaslow, i.e., he's a big fat-ass.

    If this was Angelina, y'all would petition Congress to get her to lose weight - such is the difference between H'wood men & women. meh.

  36. I love you mygeorgie. Tired of the fat-bashing while super-skinny people get sympathy. Being fat sucks and comments about Cheetos don't make it any better.

  37. i'm just tired. it's late we can choose tomorrow tomorrow-peace 2 all
