Kevin McFederline Within 150 Pounds Of Me
Kevin Federline is at that point where I was about 15 or 20 years ago. It is a line. On one side of the line you say, "hey I'm going to do something about this," and you end up losing all your weight or yo-yo-ing but you make a commitment. The other side of the line says, "I'm doing ok, and I have a girlfriend and I love eating so why should I try to lose weight?" If you choose the second option then you start to expand at a rapid pace because you have given yourself the ok to do it. Kevin is at that point now. As it is it will take him probably six months or a year to lose this weight. Sometimes the thought of that becomes overwhelming so you say meh and just keep eating your way through fast food restaurants and super sizing every meal like Kevin is.
I think when people realize they are a hundred pounds overweight it is too much to process and they should focus instead on losing one pound that week and one pound the next week. Don't try and think in terms of losing 100 pounds because it is too hard and you will end up failing. If your goal is to lose one pound, it is much easier to succeed and therefore you will be motivated the next week to lose another pound. Chances are it will stay off also.
Oh, and P.S., that tattoo on the back of K-Fed is the ugliest tattoo ever. Just saying.