Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Keanu Reeves Consents To DNA Test To Avoid More Baby Mama Drama

For years and years Karen Sala has claimed that Keanu Reeves fathered one of her four children. She claims that at some point back in the day she and Keanu had a relationship and she got pregnant and now she wants him to support the child. How much support? How about $150K a month retroactive from 1988 when she said the child was born. Oh, and she also says teh couple was married and so she wants spousal support to the tune of $3M a month retroactive from November 2006.

Karen Sala has wanted a Toronto court to order Keanu to provide a DNA sample so she can prove that he is the father of her baby. Keanu has been fighting it but yesterday Keanu said he would consent to the test just so she would get on with her life and so Keanu doesn't have to go through this anymore.

Keanu's lawyer said that a sample will be provided in the near future and testing completed. Keanu has insisted he has no idea who this woman is. I just wonder why she hasn't gone on Maury. When she finds out Keanu isn't the father I bet she will.

(Thanks Kelly)


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