Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Katie Price Says She Was Raped By A Celebrity

Rape is a serious accusation and Katie Price for the second time in as many weeks has told the press she was raped twice when she was younger. In an interview with OK! she expanded on what she said previously and this time added that the person who raped her was a very well known celebrity. She also says that Peter Andre knows who the celebrity is. Peter, for his part denied knowing who or what Katie was talking about which caused Katie to say, "He’s not the Pete I knew any more. He’s being really cruel when he knows exactly who did it."

Katie also said she told all her friends and family about it at the time.

"A famous celebrity raped me and Peter knows who it was. It was years ago before I was with Pete, and my friends and family knew about it at the time."

My question is this. If she was raped and nothing was done about it, then isn't it entirely possible that he has raped other women as well? Does she have a responsibility to say who the person is? I understand that it is a personal issue, but she seems to have shared the identity with her friends and family, talks about it frequently to the press, but hasn't identified the attacker, so don't other women he comes into contact with have a right to know about his past actions?

I would understand her wanting to keep silent about it but she isn't. Meanwhile everyone is going to speculate about who it could have been and she is going to be asked repeatedly who it is. What do you think? Should she identify who the person is? I'm going to assume what she is saying is true, since I can't imagine any woman lying about being raped just to get publicity or attention.


  1. She shouldn't be forced to say anything. She should keep her mouth shut to avoid fingers being pointed at innocent men if she isn't going to divulge a name, though. Chances are, if this guy got away with it, he has raped again.

    Personally, I wouldn't put anything past this trick.

  2. unfortunately people do lie about these things. if this is true and she keeps talking about it, then i GUESS she should name the person.

    also if true, this person will more than likely pay her to shut up.

  3. if she's not willing to go to the cops and do it properly she needs to STFU about it. this guess who raped me bullshit is disgusting.

  4. Women lie about that all the time. Usually after they've done something they're ashamed of.

  5. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I have to say, I think she is lying, everything bad or tragic has seemed to, according to her, happened to her.

    It is a truly disgusting person who lies about being raped, it seems like a good chance for her to take another pop at Peter.

    She calls him cruel but her family know too and they didn't do anything at the time and probably wouldn't without her consent.

    Mentioning a celebrity will indeed start a guessing game (if she is believed) and keep her in the public eye - her aim I guess.

    A sad, pathetic woman who is scared because people have turned against her using rape as a way to gain sympathy needs to fuck off out of my life.

  6. Anything for attention. For Jordan there is obviously no such thing as bad publicity.

  7. What does she want anyone to do? She hasn't come forward with a name and it's her story to tell. If it's true she should have come forward earlier, and if it's not true she needs to STFU. Some things you don't take lightly and rape is a serious issue.

  8. "I can't imagine any woman lying about being raped just to get publicity or attention."

    Maybe you feel like you have to say that because you're a man, Enty, but as a woman, let me say I can think offhand of many women who would lie about that for various sick reasons.

  9. "I'm going to assume what she is saying is true, since I can't imagine any woman lying about being raped just to get publicity or attention."

    Well, meet Jordan, she'll do anything for publicity and attention.

    This is the woman who said she'd love to be raped by Mike Tyson just a couple of years ago. She's filth.

  10. Quite frankly I don't believe a word that comes out of her collagen-deformed mouth any more. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she was using this for publicity. It was her ex-husbands album launch last night so she wants the spotlight back on her. Disgusting.

  11. Does she even know what rape is? She throws the word around much too casually to have first hand experience.

  12. jax said...

    if she's not willing to go to the cops and do it properly she needs to STFU about it. this guess who raped me bullshit is disgusting.


  13. First of all, let me say that anyone who jokes about this is despicable. Secondly, I'm waiting for her new television series, "Raped by a Celebrity."

  14. not joking here, who the hell is this woman? What is she famous for? She is refered to as Jordan? I don't get it? I have been dying to ask this for awhile now. Nothing I read is giving me any clue.

  15. BigMama, Great Britain has a lively and active "chav" culture, with low-class trashy whores and skeezes who show up virtually naked in British tabloids, who do tons of meth and coke and fuck everybody, and who literally take up all available public space in British media. Katie/Jordan was one of the biggest, and she never made it big in America, but ... well, she seems to be starting to suck up all of the oxygen over here now too. It's horrible!

  16. She's a British starf*cker and famewh*re. She is best known for her titays and some reality show that I've never heard of.

  17. "Secondly, I'm waiting for her new television series, 'Raped by a Celebrity'".


  18. Either tell the truth or STFU. Saying a nebulous "celebrity" did this but not saying who just makes you look like a dumbass.
    Just how young was she when the rape happened because if she was underage that celebrity needs more then outed.

  19. I agree that if she's not willing to name her rapist, but yet keeps talking about the rape, it probably didn't happen. This despicable behavior makes it harder for REAL victims of this horrific crime to come forward. Lots of victims are so traumatized by a rape that they never come forward at all, but I'm guessing that is extremely rare for a victim to come halfway forward and say "I was raped by a very famous person. Guess who?" It's almost like she's bragging.

  20. I am with Jax.

    "if she's not willing to go to the cops and do it properly she needs to STFU about it. this guess who raped me bullshit is disgusting."

  21. i hope to god this is she's just attn whoring b/c rape isn't something to be taken lightly. women do lie about this, sadly...if she's one of them she's a piece of crap.

  22. I still don't know who this chick is but she scares me. Her appearance freaks me out. Makes Barbie look natural. As for the rape deal, shit or get off the pot. Either name the dude or shut it. That's not a subject to be fucking around with to get your name in the papers.

  23. See all these comments before mine already calling her a liar? That's why most rape victims don't come forward and don't press charges. They're afraid you will all think they are lying, and apparently they are right.

  24. it's horribly funny and digusting this idea the new show "rapped by celebrity"!
    what say? she's a mediawhore and it's probably false because if it's true,i hope she was the one to be rapped and GO TO THE POLICE!

  25. Anonymous12:48 PM

    How fucking much of a cock sucking attention whore do you have to be, that you have to say I GOT RAPED....OH, AND IT WAS A CELEBRITY!

    Jesus fucking Christ.

  26. rape is a very personal and tramuatic thing to deal with, and i don't think she should name the person unless she's ready to deal with it and all the controversy that will come with it. It sounds like she hasn't dealt with it, so making a rape victim relive the rape is quite tramautic. even though we would all like to see this person held accountable for what he did, it's not right to force her. and maybe her speaking up about it is a good first step towards her healing process. also there's usually a stateu of limitations on rape here in the us, i don't know about the uk laws, but maybe it's too late to press charges on him.

  27. Thanks Barton....it's been a long time since I visited...now I'm not sure I want too.

  28. Butterfly, if she had gone to the police at any point in time, she would have had infinite more credibility. The fact that she casually dropped the accusation into an interview coupled with a jab at her ex on his day in the sun makes it suspect.

    ALL rape victims need to come forward and get these predators off the street.

  29. Sounds like an ex-friend of mine who turned out to be a pathological liar. People will lie about anything for attention or for fun. Sad fact.

  30. I can understand if she doesn't want to go to the cops, because I have friends who have been raped, and they never went to the police about it. It's their decision entirely.

    Katie shouldn't be forced to go to the cops or to shut up, but I think it makes her look insincere and desperate for attention to talk to the paps about it and not the cops.

  31. I don't care who she is, what she's done, the rep she has - none of this has any bearing on the truth. And that's what she needs to tell. If she was raped, she needs to report him. If she wasn't raped, she needs to stop. But I'm certainly not going to make any assumptions either way based simply on who this woman is.

  32. Butterfly-

    The women who lie about being raped make women who truly have been raped scared to come forward. This shit happens too often, and IMHO, anyone who lies about being raped should go to prison. It sucks that women have to be scared of coming forward simply because there are sick, twisted, pathetic women out there who think rape is something to lie about.

    Look at the Duke case...that woman should have been thrown in jail, because not only did she ruin the lives and reputations of a bunch of innocent men (and cost them thousands of dollars fighting a false charge), she made it so that if something like this really DOES happen, it will be less likely to be taken seriously, all because bitch wanted some attention and/or money. It's disgusting, pathetic and worst of all, damaging to true victim's credibility, which is the last thing we need if we want rape to be stopped.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. All humor aside, I don't have any reason to believe that she wasn't coerced into sexual acts that she didn't want. Especially with drug users, who live in a milieu of confusion and aggression, lots of women really are raped while getting high, and they don't report it, and I'm just sad for them.

    Don't get me wrong, I dislike this hobag entirely! But I can easily see how an ignorant drug-using heavy-drinking young woman can be preyed upon by others.

  35. I was under the impression that Katie Price had been sexually abused and molested at a young age. I have not read her autobiography/memoir, but it was published early this decade and I think she revealed some details of her abuse in it. For that reason I see no reason why the issue might not be raised by anyone interviewing her, whatever she may be currently promoting. I always got the impression that the whole Jordan persona/construct evolved as a result of that original trauma. I wonder: is the celebrity rape a later incident or the original?

    On a related note, a few years ago, TV host and personality Ulrika Johnson made headlines in the UK when she revealed in her memoirs that she had been raped by a colleague in the television industry. Fingers were pointed and a certain male TV presenter was dropped like a hot potato. She refused to confirm or deny who it was.

    Whatever Katie Price's reason for not reporting the crimes to the police at the time, I am still inclined to believe her. Libel laws and lack of physical evidence may prevent her from naming the perpetrator now. The least she can do is draw attention to the abuse and predation that goes on within the entertainment industry.
