Kanye West - Ass Of The Year Or Set Up?
Last night like many of you I was watching True Blood rather than the MTV Video Music Awards. Then I started getting texts and e-mails telling me that Kanye West had got up on stage and interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for winning an award. The clip of Kanye is below.
After watching the clip about 30 times, I am not 100% convinced this wasn't a set up job. For a couple of years I have told you that the winners of these awards are not exactly secret. Plus, no one watches the show anymore, but this year viewership was supposed to be higher. What better way to make sure they come back next time then to have a big controversy.
Kanye always disrupts awards shows. It is his trademark. If he disrupts another one, people will just say that is Kanye being Kanye. Who comes out of this looking best? Taylor? You feel sorry for her but she doesn't come out looking best. Beyonce comes out looking best.
Kanye interrupts Taylor to talk about Beyonce and her video and how it was the best ever and Beyonce does some pretending out in the audience about how shocked she is. It is amazing that the director was that fast getting to Beyonce. Then, later when Beyonce wins video of the year she invites Taylor up on to the stage. Every single status update or Tweet when she did that said the same thing. "Oh, I hated Beyonce before but she is so classy," or people were saying how they love her now for what she did. As for Kanye? He doesn't care. If you already hated him you are going to keep hating him and if you liked him, this isn't going to change your opinion. He was the only one who could do it and get away with it. So, in the end result. Taylor gets a golf clap and some sympathy. Kanye stays exactly the same. Beyonce gets the most out of it by far, and if MTV did set it up, Beyonce will return the favor.
The people at MTV are crafty. I am not 100% convinced they didn't play a part in this.