Monday, September 28, 2009

Johnny Depp Saved Courtney Love's Life

If you are tired of Courtney Love and her antics you can blame Johnny Depp. Courtney gave an interview this month to In Style UK which obviously had a lot of empty pages to fill. In the interview Love describes how she once overdosed and had her heart stop only to be revived by Johnny Depp. She doesn't explain what she overdosed on or how Johnny Depp happened to be there. What is clear though is she never did have sex with him so your fantasies are still safe.

"Nobody has ever loaned me money. I mean, I was going to die on a few occasions. Johnny Depp gave me CPR on one. That's as close as I ever got. I was watching that movie where he plays Dillinger, and I was like 'Mother f***er, I never had myself any JD except CPR.'"

I assume JD stands for Johnny Depp because I think we can all agree on the fact that Courtney has probably spent a good deal of time drinking Jack Daniels, or JD for those of you who are too drunk to pronounce the entire name.


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