Wednesday, September 23, 2009

John Travolta Admits Jett Was Autistic

I have been steering clear of posting anything on the trial taking place in the Bahamas. I think the people trying to extort Travolta are awful, but at the same time Scientology is not exactly very friendly either when it comes to people and their money so I just decided to stay quiet.

Today though things have changed. After years of denying their son was autistic, John Travolta admitted today that Jett was autistic and suffered seizures every five to ten days which would last 45 seconds to a minute.

Thank you for finally admitting the truth John and I wish you would have done this years ago and maybe you could have given hope to people or been a spokesperson for autism and used your celebrity for some good. I can;t wait to see what Scientology has to say about this. Do they admit there is such a thing as autism now or do they just blame all of this on something Travolta has done wrong and therefore needs more auditing.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hi Enty,
    Do you think Scientology will make a public statement about this putting John T in a bad light? Is there any truth to John T wanting to leave the "church" but his wife won't have it?


  2. Ummmm, I was not aware autism caused seizures. Are we sure he was not epileptic as well???

  3. i guess since JT can't leave the cult due to family isolation, he'll give 'em blows below the belt.

  4. i had to sign in to my google email account in order to post today for those of you experiencing probs with signing in, in the comment box.

  5. I don't understand why he would admit it now? For years, it was a constant denial, and I wonder if that denial translated into their treatment of Jet. I bet Jet would still be alive if they had admitted the truth years ago because then they would be doing everything they could to get him proper medical and psychological treatment. I have worked with autistic kids as a mental health therapist, and they need a lot more than exercise and vitamins! Scientology does so much more harm than it does good.

  6. This story just breaks my heart.

  7. Clanger, people with autism have a much higher rate of epilepsy. They correlate quite often.

    Enty, thanks for posting the entry months ago about the Scientology family whose life was made into hell because they were blamed for their child's autistic condition.

    That's what I believe happened with the Travoltas.

  8. enty, don't you dare allow yourself to be intimidated by xenu. oh hellllllll no.

    shame it took his son dying for jt to man-up w/ the truth. it'll be interesting to see the cult's reaction.

  9. Scientology recognizes those with autism and similar disorders as being "degraded" humans. They don't acknowledge the medical problem, claiming it is all in the mind of the person afflicted and that auditing and vitamins will take care of it.

    Which is so horribly, tragically incorrect.

    Travolta has some big ones to come out and admit that his son did in fact suffer from autism- you can bet your ass that David Miscavage and all the other high-up Co$ a-hole are absolutely infuriated over this, and in the next few weeks they will not only do heavy damage control, but I wouldn't be surprised if they called fair game on Travolta.

    I really feel for he and his family. I can't imagine how hard losing a child must be, and I'm sure all this added makes it that much more difficult.

  10. ^^^does kelly believe that her child had autism? if she won't accept that, this will be additional stress in their household.


  12. Kate - thanks for the clarification! :)

  13. Too little, too late.

  14. How hard could it be to have to testify? I feel so badly for them. Maybe he isn't scared anymore if his crazy church tells his secrets. He's already suffered the greatest loss.

  15. I think John is just over the Scio. BS. In any event, I applaud him for being truthful and honoring his son in that way.

  16. Anonmom, I think you might be right. Maybe this is a first step towards leaving.

  17. I am glad he has spoken out for Jett. Scientology teaches that Travolta has spent enough money, er, had risen to a level where he was not supposed to able to even conceive a 'faulty' child. A Scio-Superfriend, like Tom Cruise.
    I think John has been losing his religion over Jett for a long time. Hopefully Kelly is coming with him.

  18. Just because he didn't admit it publicly doesn't mean he didn't say so privately and seek out whatever treatments he could for his son. He was involved with autism organizations in Florida. People shouldn't judge what they don't know. That poor family's been through enough

  19. i'm very proud of him for being able to do this.
    maybe he feels safety in the courtroom and being under oath?
    he definitely seems to have been grieving more (or at least more visibly) than kelly has. maybe he's always had doubts, but the damn scios, once they get their hooks into you...

  20. I have to wonder if this signals John's split from the "church" and possibly a split with Kelly?

    Agree that he's suffered the greatest loss of all. There is nothing the "church" can do or say about him that can hurt him more than he's already suffered.

  21. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, I think so. I don't think she's ready to leave the Co$, but if JT is admitting his son was autistic, I think that means he is soon to be out the door, if not out already. Of the church, I mean.

    Losing a child is the worst, and I'm sure lots of marriages don't survive the loss.

  22. He's not someone I liked very much in the last 20 years but this is heartbreaking. He may feel that the COS can't do anything to him that is as bad as where he is right now. I'm just imagining and do not profess to really know. I hope he does leave and will do a 180 to fully support him and any future projects.

  23. Wow - this is huge! I'm wondering so many things!
    1-did John always believe his son had autism but agreed to deny it publicly? OR has he changed his mind since Jett died?
    2-did he really have to even bring this up during the testimony or did he volunteer?
    3-fallout. I suspect he won't leave Scient - they've got too much dirt on him for that, but this might have been a way for him to state his dissatisfaction with them / warn others without TOO much risk of retaliation. If so, very clever.

    This is the biggest news in a while for Scientology, as far as I'm concerned.

  24. Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...
    I have to wonder if this signals John's split from the "church" and possibly a split with Kelly?

    I think that may happen, it doesn't seem like she will give up $cio.

  25. That picture breaks my heart. I know he loved him so much, it is so evident in every picture of them together. I feel for john and don't think i can, as a human being , ponder to give a shit about what he admitted to the public about his own child's illness.

  26. I hope if he leaves, he takes Ella with him. Get her out of Crazy Cultland before you lose child#2.

  27. That is such a sweet picture of them together. It's heartbreaking.

  28. If he leaves the COS and they follow through with a smear campaign, people will have his back and it will backfire on the COS, IMO.

  29. Interesting:
    It has been widely circulated that Kelly has her own long term boyfriend and that she and John live odd lives. A friend told me that it is open knowledge that Travolta has his boyfriend (of many years) on sets with him. It is also alleged that the family is mostly nocturnal. Not sure how that works.

  30. He shouldn't be blamed for not saying anything about his child's condition. An actor accepts that his life will be intruded on in some way, but his children never signed on or agreed to be public fodder. He was a man who loved his son, you can tell that, and was trying to protect his privacy.

    Why should the world be involved in something that personal? A child's health is none of anyone's business. I think it's unfair to ask that of any parent.

  31. I think the reason people are so angry about his refusal to acknowledge Jett's autism is because it also seems he didn't receive proper therapy for Jett.

    Neighbours of the Travolta's, who also happen to be parents of an autistic child, had nothing short of shocking stories to tell with regard to Jett and how he was treated within the family:

    The Kennys also claim that Kelly and John "let Jett sit in front of video games all day eating junk food, while they eat the best organic food money can buy. They exclude Jett from all social events because they are embarrassed."

    "Once," reports Kenny, "when Kelly took him to the movies, Jett started to have a meltdown and Kelly pointed at the nanny and ordered, 'Take care of it.'"

    "Jett does not speak at all," confirms Kenny. "He has not even been taught how to communicate. We struggle every week to pay for our daughter's therapy. How dare he [Travolta] ruin his own son's chances of recovering! We want to get the word out on this."

  32. I think JT is a good man. I know he's been involved with organizations for disabled children... Many years ago my aunt, who had Downs Syndrome, sent a letter to him because she was his "biggest fan". She would have been thrilled to receive a generic form-letter or publicity photo, but he sent a personal hand-written letter. She cherished it, and that simple act has made me a lifelong fan. I hope he's able to find peace.

  33. i've been off visiting some of the anti-scio sites, and it appears that david miscaviage may finally be in for a fall.
    thanks to the internet, the long term members now deemed "suppresives" are able to communicate and compare stories, and the brain-washing is starting to break down. anonymous is having a greater impact than anyone realized, and now that DM's sociopathy is being brought to light, the number of forced divorces and broken families can be proved, etc., the CULT of scientology may finally be broken.
    so maybe this is why john can finally speak out. unlike most members, he has a career, he has money, things will go on for him...

  34. Step 1: Out of the "church" of Sci.
    Step 2: Out of the closet.

    C'mon, John, you can do it!
