Wednesday, September 23, 2009

John Travolta Admits Jett Was Autistic

I have been steering clear of posting anything on the trial taking place in the Bahamas. I think the people trying to extort Travolta are awful, but at the same time Scientology is not exactly very friendly either when it comes to people and their money so I just decided to stay quiet.

Today though things have changed. After years of denying their son was autistic, John Travolta admitted today that Jett was autistic and suffered seizures every five to ten days which would last 45 seconds to a minute.

Thank you for finally admitting the truth John and I wish you would have done this years ago and maybe you could have given hope to people or been a spokesperson for autism and used your celebrity for some good. I can;t wait to see what Scientology has to say about this. Do they admit there is such a thing as autism now or do they just blame all of this on something Travolta has done wrong and therefore needs more auditing.


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