Monday, September 28, 2009

Jenny Slate Drops An F Bomb On SNL

The last time I remember someone dropping the F bomb on SNL was Damon Wayans. Lorne Michael was pissed and Damon got fired the next day. Jenny Slate dropped an F bomb in her first ever appearance on the show Saturday night and got to keep her job. I think she got to keep it because it was clearly unintentional and Megan Fox was so awful that I doubt anyone was even watching the show anyway other than the people creeping on her.


  1. Whoopdee-fucking-do.


  2. And they fired Michaela Watkins and Casey Wilson for this girl, among others.

    Though I wasn't a fan of Casey on SNL, I'm pretty sure she was professional enough not to drop an f-bomb.

    U2 saved that show on Saturday.

  3. Watkins and Wilson both...

  4. "... I doubt anyone was even watching the show anyway... "

    Amen. This show became irrelevant a long time ago. It's been dying a slow, prolonged, painful death for many years. Time to let it go and move onto something actually funny.

  5. Conspiracy theory: the f-bomb was dropped on purpose, because otherwise there was absolutely nothing else about the show worth talking about.

  6. I thought Megan was okay. Hey, there's been worse.

    I swear Richard Pryor said F*ck years ago on SNL.

  7. This show jumped the shark about a decade ago. Let it die already, or actually get funny people on there. What is this, MadTV?

  8. Fox was alright. She just played the straight man, pretty much, all night. Even U2 wasn't great.

  9. The first person to use the f-word on SNL was Paul Schaeffer (now Letterman's band leader) who used it in an identical situation: it was a medieval sketch where the characters were saying "flogging" instead of "fucking" and Paul slipped up. He suffered no repercussions at all.

  10. ghigu, I remember that! My brother and I rewound the tape in our GIANT VCR over and over to make sure that's what we heard.

    I think Norm McDonald dropped an F-bomb during the news once.

    I still watch the damn show. Always have. Probably always will.

  11. Anonymous12:14 PM

    She looked genuinely upset that she screwed up. An easy mistake to make, and honestly I didn't even notice.

    And Megan was awful. She played Megan Fox and sluts. Major stretch, Megs.

  12. I can't afford cable so I was really hoping this would be a good show but it was so bad I was switching back and forth watching a cooking show on PBS, and it was one I had already seen. This show has become so bad to watch it is almost painful. Who cares about her saying fuck, she could have stood on her head and whistled dixie out her ass and it would have still been boring.

  13. No, actually, had she stood on her head and whistled dixie out her ass, I would have watched.

  14. Drcocks, as much as I have heard that expression, it still makes me LOL.


  15. I thought Norm dropped the f-bomb, too--wasn't that a big part of why he was fired?

    The only one I know for sure was Charles Rocket--RIP--who used to be the anchor when SNL REALLY sucked. He was canned.

    Has anyone else noticed that all the new chicks look a lot alike? I couldn't even figure out who it was until I saw the item.

  16. I was actually watching that skit and it was so lame that I didn't even notice that she said it. I didn't realize it had happened until it started showing up on the web. You know your writing is way below par when even an accidental "fucking" can't get your audience's attention. The live audience didn't really seem to notice it either. I was actually more interested in the Tennessee license plate behind her head, since I'm from TN.

    Majik, I also think that all the women on the show look alike. And Norm McDonald was fired for the f-bomb.

  17. it was HIGHlarious when she came on stage for her monologue and said, you might know me from the movie 'transformers' and it was like golf claps in the background. i think i peed a little.

    good riddance to casey. she was awful.

  18. I think Lorne blew it by letting a rookie headline a sketch on her first show filled with the frickin' word. Did she use the swear word when she performed this character on stage?
    I remember Gilda singing the f word in a rocker sketch.
    Was Darrell Hammond in the main credits? He was on the Thursday shows, but not Saturday's.
    Bring back Watkins, find a thin black guy to play Obama and grab one of the more talented members of the MAD TV show to fill out the cast.

  19. I LOVED the promo commercial for this ep. "Just because I'm beautiful, doesn't mean I'm dumb." "I think that was Megan's line." "Nope, it was Bono's." Hee!
