Friday, September 04, 2009

Jack Tweed Arrested For Sexual Assault

You may be saying to yourself, who in the hell is Jack Tweed and why should I be interested in him? Well, it is the Friday before Labor Day and if you are stuck at work while the rest of the office called in sick, then there has to be something to read. Jack is the convict who married Jade Goody. Jade of course was the UK reality star turned pariah turned national treasure when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Right before she passed away this year Jack was allowed out of jail to marry her.

Now it turns out Jack could be headed back to jail. A teenager this morning filed a report with police claiming she had been sexually assaulted by Jack and another man. There are not that many details at this time but Jack has said he has struggled since Jade passed away. He was struggling long before that, but this is what he had to say about his own behavior since she died.

"I don't really know how I'm bearing up at the moment. I'm drinking quite a lot, which I shouldn't be. I shouldn't be saying it but I don't want to lie to anyone and I am drinking quite a lot and I've got to go and see someone or I've got to stop."


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