Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It Gives A Whole New Meaning To The Mamas And Papas

One of the things I love about Mackenzie Phillips is that she is not shy about sharing. As I have said previously she is one of my Facebook friends and she is willing to share pretty much whatever comes into her head. She is kind of like Courtney Love, but with better spelling and no questionable deaths in her past.

Well, in her new book she shares about as big of a story as someone can possibly share. Mackenzie and her father who was in the band The Mamas And The Papas had consensual sex for about ten years. Mackenzie said it was consensual but I have to say that I don;t think there is any such thing when it is between a parent and their child. Yes, the first time she was 19 and so not technically a child, but I still don't think there can be consent in that type of situation.

In her book and on Oprah, Mackenzie says the first time she ever did drugs was with her dad. He shot her up with heroin and he is responsible to a great extent for everything that has happened in her life since. Yes, and addict has to take control of their life, but when your introduction to drugs is by your dad shooting you up, then it wasn't really her choice. He kept her on drugs for 20 years and she was on drugs when they first had sex. She was on drugs when she got fired form the number one show on television.

I think by saying the sex was consensual that she is trying to still protect her father and she shouldn't. He is an animal for doing that and he should be vilified.


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