I'm Actually Supporting Aubrey O'Day
Tuesday was the debut of Aubrey O'Day in Peepshow which is the show on Vegas that also stars Holly Madison. During the show someone took a photo of Aubrey and Holly when they were topless and then of course posted them online. No big deal right? I mean each of them has been in Playboy and lots of people have seen them topless. I mean Aubrey barely wears any clothes when she is on a red carpet so this was nothing new.
Well, Aubrey didn't look perfect in her photo and some bloggers and one specifically that she mentions in the video said that she looked ugly her body looked horrible without retouching. According to Aubrey that made her feel really insecure about her body and she was going to quit the show and even took Wednesday night off from the show because of how bad the comments made her feel.
As I said yesterday I think all people men or women should feel comfortable in their own skin and there is absolutely nothing wrong with Aubrey's body. In her video she shows off her body and says that she is proud of it and that anyone who doesn't like it can f**k off.
Whatever you may think of Aubrey and hopefully you are not thinking of her too often, she at least is willing to stand up for how she feels about herself and is sending out a positive message to others about how they should feel when it comes to their bodies.
In the video she drops a couple of f bombs and also strips to a see through bra so you may want to think about that before watching it from work.