Monday, September 21, 2009

If It's A Monday That Means The Hoff Has Alcohol Poisoning

Most of the time if a celebrity drank themselves to the point where they had to be rushed to the hospital it would be huge news. In the case of David Hasselhoff though it is pretty much business as usual. Shortly after The Hoff finished his duties on America's Got Talent, he began drinking. Yesterday afternoon his drinking caught up with him and 911 was called. As David went to the emergency room he was joined by his 17 year old daughter who has seen this happen at least six or seven times over the past couple of years. It is probably more often but we don't hear about them. We also don't hear about the times where he has so much to drink but no hospitalization is required.

Teenagers should not be forced to call 911 to take care of their parents. It is obvious The Hoff is never going to give up drinking. He could go to rehab for the next 20 years and he wouldn't give it up. He is going to kill himself from drinking. I imagine that once his kids are gone from the house he will drink even more and and one day they won't be able to save him at the hospital and he will die. He has reached that point where the booze is worth more than the kids and I don't think he can turn that around.


  1. That's really sad. :(

  2. wth is wrong w/ this idiot! geez, i wish he'd think of his teen daughter and the pain he's causing her.

  3. I love my alcohol; I take great pleasure in imbibing. If I had to be taken to the hospital for it, I don't think I'd be taking so much pleasure in it.

    Time to crawl out of the bottle, Hoff.

  4. When I was teenager, I saw this everyday and it is no fun. Poor girl.

  5. Everyone has to hit their own personal lowest point in order to give up. The trouble is, I can't imagine how he hasn't already hit that. How low does he need to go?

  6. Poor girl. That's just not right.

  7. And yet he is the one who has custody of the children wtf? The mother must be really really messed up.

  8. I feel very sorry for his daughter. My father was an alcoholic and when my mom gave up going to the bar to take his keys away, it became my job. I'm still so bitter about it. When he died, my father was about to lose his licence for good.

  9. Alice, she's into coke & more hardcore stuff. At least alcohol is legal.

    Poor kids. :(

  10. I feel for his daughter. No child should have to take your parent to hospital because he drank himself SICK. I wonder how many times she's heard " I'm sorry baby. I'll never do it again."

    The Hoff is an ASSHOLE.

  11. Anonymous5:25 PM

    My father drank to the point that he was having "bleeds". He's stand up and the chair would be covered with blood. He eventually died from it. I was 25 when he died, but one of my first childhood memories is him drinking beer...not to mention all the DUIs, arrests, etc...

    I hope the Hoff's daughter has a trust fund with a special amount marked for intensive psychotherapy.

  12. CPS should be involved. If this were not a celebrity, they would already have been involved. Sad.

  13. He's going to die from alcohol poisoning. I give him less than 5 years.
