Monday, September 28, 2009

I Was Hoping They Might Be Divorced By Now - If They Were Married

For those of you who cried yourself to sleep last night with tears of joy that Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom got married, you might be disappointed to learn that I don't think they are actually married.

Do you remember back in the day when Britney married Kevin? That wedding got held up for awhile because lawyers couldn't agree on a pre-nup and then there was a waiting period because it had not been seven days from the time Britney gave Kevin the pre-nup and you need those seven days or they aren't valid. They had to move the wedding to two days later and they still didn't really have a real one on that date. The same kind of thing has happened with Lamar & Khloe. My guess is that at some point in the past week Lamar said to himself he needed a pre-nup. Fine. So, he talks to his lawyers who get in touch with Khloe's lawyers and the next thing you know everyone is arguing and it doesn't get finished in time. Usually pre-nups can be contentious but there is enough time to work it all out. With the deadline imposed by E! though there was no time to delay. So, the couple gets "married" but it isn't legally binding. They probably got a license and they stood up and said, "I do," but they also probably signed a contract which stated that what they were doing was not in fact a marriage. I have no doubts they will probably make it legally binding simply so Khloe can keep all the gifts and have a Newlyweds show. Oh, you didn't know about that? Yep. Prepare yourself for Khloe & Lamar.

Bruce Jenner found out Khloe was engaged by hearing it on the radio. He didn't even meet Lamar until this past week. Of course Khloe didn't really meet Lamar until four weeks ago. She had seen him, but had not met him met him until four weeks ago. And people say you need a year to plan a wedding. Please. The one thing this wedding reminded me of though was I had forgotten that Kim Kardashian was previously married. So, she was the first to get married and not Khloe.


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