I Hope Someone Is Being Punk'd Or It's Time To Worry About Zach Galifianakis
Earlier today I posted the remarks Tim Gunn made about the slobification of America and how if you want to dress like you are still in bed, then you need to stay in bed. Zach Galifianakis has taken it to an entirely new level. I haven't seen the New York City bathrobe walk since that mafia guy used to walk the streets to convince the world he was crazy and wouldn't have to go to jail. I keep hoping this is for Funny or Die or some other gotcha type show, but so far it looks legit. Oh, and he was not on a set or going to a set or coming from a set, or anything like it. It looks like Zach decided to say, "F**k it. I'm a movie star and if I want to wear a bathrobe through the streets of New York, then I will."
I'm actually surprised that Russell Brand has not caught onto this already because it would save him so much time during the day when he has sex with his daily six. At least the robe is clean. I love the socks and shoes and how they match. I think flip flops would have been better. Maybe throw in a shower cap and a rubber duck too.