Has Anyone Ever Heard The Term Crime Scene? - Phillip Garrido Compound Pictures
I understand that Phillip Garrido and his wife are in jail being held without bond for what they did to Jaycee Dugard and her kids. I also understand that the police are investigating a series of murders involving teenagers and prostitutes that have remained unsolved and that Phillip Garrido is a prime suspect. Yesterday they even found a human bone at his house. With all of that being said and the importance of the ongoing investigations how is it that a UK photographer managed to jump the fence at the Garrido property and take all these pictures? After the awful record the sheriff's department already has in this case how can they not take every precaution to make sure that Garrido goes to jail for as many crimes as possible.
At this point now a defense attorney can say any material found on the property like bones or what have you could have been planted there by anyone because if one photographer got in the yard than anyone could get in to the yard. Here are some of the pictures from the tents and yard.
RADAR has another 20 or so pictures to look at.