Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Has Anyone Ever Heard The Term Crime Scene? - Phillip Garrido Compound Pictures

I understand that Phillip Garrido and his wife are in jail being held without bond for what they did to Jaycee Dugard and her kids. I also understand that the police are investigating a series of murders involving teenagers and prostitutes that have remained unsolved and that Phillip Garrido is a prime suspect. Yesterday they even found a human bone at his house. With all of that being said and the importance of the ongoing investigations how is it that a UK photographer managed to jump the fence at the Garrido property and take all these pictures? After the awful record the sheriff's department already has in this case how can they not take every precaution to make sure that Garrido goes to jail for as many crimes as possible.

At this point now a defense attorney can say any material found on the property like bones or what have you could have been planted there by anyone because if one photographer got in the yard than anyone could get in to the yard. Here are some of the pictures from the tents and yard.

RADAR has another 20 or so pictures to look at.


  1. Could they prosecute the pap for obstruction of justice? Definitely trespassing, maybe interfering with an investigation.

  2. Mother of God.
    If that monster walks because of the idiot pap, someone needs to take care of cleaning the gene pool of *both* of them.
    Or just eliminating the monster and locking the pap up and throwing away the key.

  3. Poor girls. Looks like all they ever knew was squalor.

  4. The house has been condemed. Is it possible these are official photos that these papers got a hold of? Wouldn't be the first time police photos were leaked to reporters.

  5. I read that the pap paid a neighbor to cut a hole in his fence so that the pap could access Garrido's property. I am sure the police were guarding the front but not the back.

    If this guy walks because of this I will be sick!

  6. The photos are just frightening and awful. I can't imagine what the heck kind of psychological torment was going on here, because apparently Jaycee was not only the mother of his children, but also a very faithful employee of his printing business. She had access to computers, internet, etc, and I'm wondering why she stayed in this situation for so long. So messed up.

  7. I am horrified by the mess...poor kids. they have no idea what it means to live in a moderately clean environment. Evil Bastard, hope he doesn't walk because of this. This is reason alone to put him in jail.

  8. I am horrified by the mess...poor kids. they have no idea what it means to live in a moderately clean environment. Evil Bastard, hope he doesn't walk because of this. This is reason alone to put him in jail.

  9. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I read last night (yes - I do know that the press is frequently inaccurate) that the investigation of the property was over and that access to the property was being denied (under threat of arrest) by the building department because it was deemed in violation of code (ya think?) and unsafe.

    Certainly someone can plant a bone on the property, but a piece of human bone, unless it can be linked to someone who was murdered, basically means nothing. How would a pap could get a hold of a piece of bone form a suspected murder victim, that the police didn't already have?

  10. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I too am horrified by the mess, but you can be sure that what you are seeing is nothing like what they lived in. I am not saying it wasn't messy before, and it may have been just as bad, but the mess you are seeing was made by the cops while searching the place and actually looks better than many searched scenes I have seen.

  11. For the record, the bone was found on the property next door, which Garrido maintained for several years before the latest tenant moved in. There are reports that Garrido stayed in a shed on that property for some time. Also, the bone has yet to be positively identified as human.

    That said, it is another failure on the part of LE that the photographer got on Garrido's property at all. Both he & the neighbour should have criminal charges pressed against them.

    Regardless, I have no fear at all that either Garrido will walk. I think there is ample evidence regardless to convict the sick B@stages.

  12. Added thought: not that I think for a second that prison is enough for either of them.

    I've had some very creative ideas on how to rid the earth of both of them - and it wouldn't be quick, pretty or painless.

    Street justice.

  13. Stockholm syndrome is prob why she never left,just like that teen boy and that older guy that kidnapped another kid...like Elizabeth Smart.

  14. vile people living in a vile manner.


  15. Good lord, I still can't get my head around this whole situation. It's so tragic and sad :(

  16. No one can answer this: One of the neighbors and someone else had said that aside from the teenage daughters, there were two little girls who were also blonde and looked like the others. They were thought to be about four years old.

    Where. Are. They?

  17. Like my hubby said--let them both go free, but out in public, and with prior notice.

    They would not last an hour much less a day.

  18. I hope the media leave Jaycee and her children alone to heal. We don't need Oprah or Dr. Phil to further exploit these victims.

  19. It really is nauseating.

  20. "I'm wondering why she stayed in this situation for so long"

    Comments like the one above enrage me. Well AnonMom, maybe she stayed so long because the man who had been raping her since she was 11 did a little mind fuck as well. She would have been in grade 5. Do you think you could mentally handle that situation when you were in grade 5? Jesus. Give this girl a break. If he's the only one bringing you food, providing shelter (mo matter how crappy it is)lying to you etc you would probably start to feel loyal to him. It's sick, he deserves to burn in hell but don't anyone, for even one split second ask "why didn't she leave?".
    And for anyone who defends the scum of a photographer bitch please. He wasn't trying to tell a story, enlighten the public or win a Pulitzer - he was trying to get the picture first to make the biggest buck. If he has screwed up this investigation in any way then I'm all for him being charged as well. And the scummy neighbour who said "sure, cut a hole in my fence as long as you give me X amount of dollars" Just goes to show how low some people are.

  21. The neighbors did call. Sheriff's Office made a visit but didn't check out the backyard.
    Hello? The bone was found on a neighboring property and Pittsburgh PD had a warrant.

  22. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I'm with littleoleme on this one.

    Nothing bothers me more than the (un)intentional blaming of the victim. Every time someone says, "She had access to phones and computers. Why didn't she leave?", I shake my head and start to see red. If someone abducted you when you were 11, possibly told you your parents/relatives/friends were dead, in jail, or didn't want you, you'd do whatever to survive and take whatever affection you could get.

    If this happened when she was 19 instead of 11, that would be a more reasonable question, though still in bad taste with the hint of blaming the victim. People do whatever they must to live with themselves and their surroundings.

  23. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I'm with littleoleme on this one.

    Nothing bothers me more than the (un)intentional blaming of the victim. Every time someone says, "She had access to phones and computers. Why didn't she leave?", I shake my head and start to see red. If someone abducted you when you were 11, possibly told you your parents/relatives/friends were dead, in jail, or didn't want you, you'd do whatever to survive and take whatever affection you could get.

    If this happened when she was 19 instead of 11, that would be a more reasonable question, though still in bad taste with the hint of blaming the victim. People do whatever they must to live with themselves and their surroundings.

  24. This is how I grew up -- the mess, I mean. To me it doesn't even look that bad.

    It reminds me of that old movie with Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn, and they go to Bette's house and Goldie screams, "the place has been ransacked!" And Bette Midler says something like, "no, it's always like this."

  25. Selenakyle, I like your husband's idea. I blame Garrido's parole officers more than the sheriff or cops. Garrido was on lifetime parole and parole officers have the right to search your premises whenever they want for whatever reason without a search warrant. What were the parole officers doing for the past 18 years? They never even searched his house nor his backyard. That was their job.

  26. Is it just me or does that tent appear to go fruther back than you would expect (look on the right side through the openening)?

    As for the possible other kids, maybe only 1 person saw them and the police/social services haven't released any information on them since G never took them out in public? Wouldn't it be beter for the kids if we didn't know they existed?

  27. The neighbor should be arrested for interfering with an ongoing investigation the reporter should be fined and not be allowed back in the country, ever.

    If a crime scene is compromised, and the defense has a reasonable expectation that no evidence was planted. No matter what he's going to die in prison but this illustrates how buffoonish the Sheriff are and continue to be regarding this case.

    The neighbor should be ashamed of him or herself, what a sleaze ball for making money on the back of those suffering girls.

  28. Right lets get this straight.
    I have spoken with the photographer who shot these pictures.
    Firstly he has been misquoted by the New York Times. What he claims he said was that he was suprised that the scene didn't appear to be treated as a crime scene by the cops. No police do not cross tape, not cops guarding the place, not even a cop car in the street...He has worked on many crime investigations so he should know what should happen...
    Its a shame the cops, social workers or neighbors didn't show his initiative. If they had they may have saved Jaycee and her daughter from years of hell and abuse...

  29. Bollox!

    Defending this creepazoid ain't cuttin' it.

    First of all, @TheTruth, until the sleazeball steps up to speak for himself and be vetted - this means NADA as far as credibility goes.

    Next, I'm not cutting sleazeball a bit of slack for the misdirection. He was going for the money shot, got the big money shots and to quote you, "should know what would happen at a crime scene," which simply demonstrates that he knew he was breaking normal protocols and took advantage of them.

    I agree that LE, the State and Federal justice systems and parole boards failed on many counts, but HELL NO, that does not excuse the sleazy photog from any responsibility here from profiting off of the truly sick and reprehensible facts of many innocents in this case.

    Do not pass GO. Do not buy into the caveats and do NOT rev up the bus.

    LE, neighbours, and the judicial system all have their own weight to bear here.

    As does the sleazy pap. No excuses.

    This isn't a random blind item Truthy. *rolls eyes*
