Monday, September 28, 2009

"Friends" Movie Doesn't Make Any Sense

The Daily Mail was orgasmic this weekend when describing what they say is a done deal. The reuniting of the Friends cast for a Friends movie. The source of all their information appears to be James Michael Tyler. He played Gunter and of course is totally willing to be in the movie. I bet he is. Right now he travels the world opening coffee shops that are named Central Perk. I gather it is the same kind of thing when Cheers bars started opening up across the country and the characters could make a couple of bucks by showing up at one of them.

Apparently this whole rumor got started because Sex And The City made so much money and so the cast of Friends wants a piece of that money pie. There won't be a movie, and if there is a movie it will suck. Here's why. Sex And The City was shot every week like a movie. It was also essentially a soap opera and so they just expanded it into three or four episodes instead of one. It works in that kind of format.

Friends was filmed in front of a live studio audience and was a sitcom. Yes, there were some continuing story lines, but most, if not all episodes were the standard sitcom formula. It doesn't translate well into two hours of movie. Also, I don't think you can convince all six to reunite for a movie. If you ant to have some kind of 20th anniversary television special I think they would all show up. A movie? Nope. Would the movie do well at the box office? Of course. Would it be any good? Nope.


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