Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Ellen Is Replacing Paula Abdul On American Idol

News like today actually makes me want to watch American Idol next season so I guess the producers are getting what they want. What do they want? People returning to watch a show that has become a little stale and drawing in first time viewers of the show who love and adore Ellen. I love Ellen and hope she brings Portia every week. She also won't take any crap from Simon since she is more popular than him and doesn't need to kiss his ass. Plus it seems like she and Ryan Seacrest are BFF because she is always on his radio show. Looks like Paula played hardball for a little too long. Next year everyone will be asking whatever happened to the half drunk judge, you know, umm, Paula.


  1. My first thought is - what does she know about singing? She'll sound just like Paula - "Well I thought you were great!"

    Ellen's viewers will watch for the first little while. It'll go back to meh soon enough.

  2. She appears to be a very pleasant, affectation-free celebrity, and does give a good variety of musicians performance time on her show. Maybe that doesn't add up to music and voice scholarship, but at least she sounds hella more articulate than Paula Abdul. I look forward to watching.

  3. i love her...but i'm a little WTH?

    it doesn't make sense at all...on the one hand it's a disservice to the contestants that can actually sing. they deserve a judge w/ a musical background. PA was questionable in that dept, but at least she'd set foot in a recording studio)...on the other hand, ED will bring an entertainment factor to the show and give it a good vibe.

  4. hhhmmm, i think i like this. i think she will bring something different to the show, which i think we all agree is sorely needed ;)

  5. I wasn't thrilled when she was a judge on "So You Think You Can Dance"'s usually an honest show that gives good and informed feedback to the dancers. She just loved everybody and kept cracking jokes, which wasn't helpful to anyone at all. The same thing will happen on American Idol.

  6. I like her, always have. She does not have a musical background but she can comment on stage presence and hot girls. That's what being an Idol is all about. duh!

  7. Didn't watch this brain vacuum before .. won't now. Sorry ..

  8. wow, this is kinda out of left field,no? might work.

  9. I'm going to go with that this isn't what it seems. She is either a guest judge for a week, or it's one of her on going jokes-like the George Clooney thing, or her bid for her Oprah cover.

  10. I like Ellen, she has the ability to make fun of someone, while putting them at ease and them not even knowing they are being made fun of.
    Good-natured butt of the joke syndrome.

  11. I've never watched AI, but I may tune in with Ellen on it. I like her and like the fact that she won't let Simon bully her.

  12. From the Idol producers this morning:

    "We appreciate Paula's invaluable contributions to the show over the years and wish her the very best in her future endeavors. She will always be a part of the "American Idol" family, albeit the member who is never, ever invited to family gatherings and the rare mention of whose name will be followed by a brief, awkward silence and then a quick change of subject."

  13. I like Ellen, but I just don't get why they picked her. She doesn't know anything about the music industry, is not famous for being a musician/singer, sooo....WTF? I will admit, I never watch AI, but I *might* check it out just to see what she does. She might be OK and I actually hope she does well at it, because she is one of the few celebs who ARE likable, so you go Ellen!

  14. Brilliant move, AI.

    LOL Scooby.

  15. I agree with Jingle Belle.

  16. This might actually make me watch. Jingle Belle, I agree that she was sort of distracting on SYTYCD, but that's because I'm used to seeing people who know what they're talking about on that judging panel. There's no way she can be less relevant than Paula was on AI. :)

  17. I don't care for Ellen, so she won't cause me to watch. It's not that I think she is any less qualified to judge musical talent than Paula, it's just that Ellen gets on my nerves.

    I usually only watch the first few weeks of the crazies, anyway, if even that. It all depends on whether NCIS is a rerun.

  18. When I first read about it I thought it was a bit weird but the more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to think it's a great idea.

  19. Randy and Kara have loads of music experience and Simon is a successful producer. Paula's only contribution was comic relief...Ellen will do this and will be better at it!

    I LIKE THIS!!!!

  20. I only watch AI finales. This won't change.

  21. I love Ellen, but I was also wtf?

    Posh makes way more sense.

  22. She makes my skin crawl, there's something forced and fake and self-absorbed about her presence that's a real turnoff. I really don't want to see her anywhere near the show.

  23. I have been a faithful AI fan since day one. This turns me off of AI. When she starts judging, I will stop watching. I hated her judging on SYTYCD - no value to her comments what-so-ever. Something about ED gets on my very last nerve...

  24. -Last two posters. That is so different from my view of her as a comediane. I have always seen her as an intellectual gentle observer. The comics that bother me are the hard, obnoxious ones who are mean spirited and comment on specific things about people as a 'set' of people.
    to each.. peace.

  25. " intellectual gentle observer."

    What a beautiful phrase, and I agree completely.

  26. peace's all love at CDAN

  27. AI was never about music. It's just a glorified popularity contest to search for who'll be the most average pop star so that Simon Cowell's record company can reap more CD-selling profits and whomever "wins" it can get their "music" careers launched in a way that real, authentic paying dues slogging would have never done. Ellen DeGeneres is a popular, populist comedian who will draw in plenty more ratings and will bring in witty commentary, in other words the perfect new face for what is a glorified social competition.

  28. When does AI start again? And thanks Mooshki :)
