Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Duggar's Are At It Again - And By It I Mean Having A Baby

Apparently Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar couldn't stand the idea of their son having a baby without also having one of their own so in five months they will welcome child #19. I mean they really had to have another one because one moved out so they needed someone to replace him. At some point though Michelle Duggar is going to have to move on to other hobbies because she is 42. I am no fertility expert but she probably can't go past another 5 or 6 babies before she has to start using IVF. Can you imagine if they actually did start using IVF and the next thing you know she gave birth to sextuplets or octuplets or something? People always joke about having enough kids for a football team. They would have enough for a town. Seriously. If they had 8 plus the 19 they have that would be 27. I know people who have high school graduating classes that were less than that.

Michelle Duggar says this baby was a surprise. Uh huh. Let me tell you how that works Michelle. Oh, and Kourtney Kardashian you can write this down as well. When you are having unprotected sex you get pregnant. It shouldn't come as a surprise. A surprise would be if you were on the pill and got pregnant or you were having sex and your parents jumped out of the closet to say Happy Birthday. These are surprises. Getting pregnant while having unprotected sex is not a surprise.

Oh, and when they interviewed the kid who got away to start his own town this is what he had to say about the child he and his wife are having. See if you can spot the sleep on the couch error in his quote. "I think it is going to be awesome, it is going to be great. We have been looking forward to the arrival of my little girl and to now get to celebrate for my parents, it's a wonderful thing."

His little girl huh? Better take a pillow out to the couch buddy.


  1. For the love of all things holy-STOP!!!

  2. "Getting pregnant while having unprotected sex is not a surprise."

    could not have been said better! although they can afford their children, i find the duggar family slightly on the creepy side for some reason.


  4. hey i thought i was the only one who had people hiding in my closet....

  5. Dear God, Thank you for not making me related to the Duggars. Me.

  6. I'm liking her new hair. The mullet and it's association with the whole fundie thing creeped me out.

    I'm ignoring the 19th kid. Trying to be positive today. Need some karma points.

  7. Since nursing can prevent ovulation, I think it was a surprise because she was still nursing her last baby.

  8. octomom must be jealious!

  9. Large families are not unusual in this area...at least not in the past. My mother comes from a family of 11. They were dirt poor and still managed to have a loving and supportive family. However, this was in the days of no birth control! None of the next generation has a family bigger than 4.

    It's 2009. Science has developed many wonderful ways of preventing conception. Give your uterus and body a rest! It actually takes 5 years for a woman's body to recover from giving birth. At the rate she is going, she's not going to recover until she's about 200 years old.

  10. Ah yes, it's all God's will.

    I saw them on tv this morning - the look on one of the older girl's face was priceless. Another baby for her to take of.

    I grew up in an area with a lot of devout Catholics. It was the early 60's. There was a family at my Catholic school that had 20 kids. The girl I knew was #8She was the first girl to have children. Her 3 older sisters have chosen not to have kids. Can't imagine why not.

  11. I thought it was "God's will" or whatever that they kept reproducing - NOW they're surprised by it?

  12. They kinda creep me out, but at least they have their shit together and can actually afford all their kids, and seem to be pretty loving.

    I'd take them over Octoskank or either of the Gosselins any day.

  13. No one really knows how they afford to have all those kids, but the thing that pisses me (and others off) is that they live TAX-FREE because they've declared themselves a church. RIDONCULOUS!

  14. Can't stand them They collect children like crazy ladies collect Cats....I will always have a problem with folks who have close to twenty offspring...big deal they can afford them.We are talking about people not cars/items/animals!!!! Off my soapbox I guess!!

  15. wow. i'll leave it at that.

  16. My ovarian tubes just tied themselves in a knot.

  17. They don't annoy me but I don't want to hear about them.

  18. Meanwhile, gay couples can't adopt children, or even get married for that matter. Yeah. This is totally fair.

  19. Just talking about this at work, and I honestly can not wrap my mind around this whole situation. As a mother of two small children, who works full time, I hardly have enough time for them indiviudally and no time for me personally. I find it hard to believe that any of these children have a close and loving relationship with their mom, how could they, unless they never sleep. And isnt it true that the older ones watch the younger ones? Not really fair for the older children.

  20. Unfortunately as long as she keeps having kids less than a year apart she won't go through menopause. She probably won't stop til she's in her 60s

  21. Ay Caramba! give your head a shake lady Duggar, and slip him the old snippity-snip while he's taking a nap.

    I just spent all summer trying to entertain my 7-year old, and I'm pooped! Then again, if I had 10 older kids to take care of my 8 younger ones... Well, what mikey said...

  22. Y'all remember what Emobacca said yesterday about women with large vaginas...?

    (yeah, I'm going there)

  23. Why hasn't her uterus worn out yet?

  24. LOL, Selena, well at least giving birth must be pretty darned easy at this point - they just fall right out!

  25. These people are downright selfish. Her kids will grow up resenting her because she had to have all these kids, while not giving enough attention to the kids she has. No one can convince me that those children all receive the same amount of attention. I would be mad if I was her son because he is expecting his first child in October and now she just announced she is pregnant, so now its all about her. It's really quite sick and I hope the doctor who delivers the baby ties her tubes and never tells her.

  26. @ Mooshki -- That's exactly what I told some coworkers earlier today. When the doctor says "push," all she'll have to do is sneeze.

  27. @Boriqua and Mooshki- how to they manage to stay in at all? LOL

  28. My Arkansas grandparents had 11 and 20 siblings respectively. My Arkansas grandparents also came from a time when children dying was sadly common AND both belonged to farm families where they needed lots of kids to run the farm. Something tells me the Duggars don't have a farm -- other than of children, I mean.

    Bubba Duggar is definitely on the sofa after that "We have been looking forward to the arrival of my little girl" remark.

  29. dear michelle,

    get some therapy for your first miscarriage, this is getting out of hand.

    -your vag.

  30. i don't like it when people use the "god's will" justification. uh hello, i'm positive god's will includes accountability. how do you send 19 kids to college? eeek!

  31. they're married and believe in god's will. they have sex and have children. and they take care of them. why is it anyone's business? the children seam happy, and healthy.

  32. Oh, don't worry Pookie, the girls won't be expected or encouraged to go to college. So there's only about 50% (give or take a male) of the family to worry about in that arena.

    No, the girls will probably get married at 19/20, like Josh's wife, who I doubt went to college, unless it was bible college.

  33. At some point, there are going to be too many people on the earth to sustain life. Hope I don't live to see that. Like my Mama said, you can't put 24 guppies in a 12 guppie tank. If you do, in a week you have 12 guppies.

  34. I don't the Duggar boys even go to college. Look at the oldest one, Josh--he runs a used car lot. They're not super into that whole "science-y" nonsense. I had a friendly email debate with Jim Bob about whether or not "science" support the young Earth theory.

    I wonder why the oldest girls haven't been married off and impregnated yet? They're very pretty, which counts for a lot even in the fundamentalist bunch, I think.

    Against my own will, I love the Duggars. No kidding. I am the antithesis of them and their values in every way, but yet, they're loving parents. And gosh darn, they are just so flippin' cheerful! :-D

  35. How does she remember 19 names? Heck my mother had trouble with four names.

  36. Yes, yes, yes. Agree with everyone who wrote about this insanity. it's at the point of ridiculous now.

  37. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Who has time to have sex with 18 kids and a grandchild on the way?! When and where do they get their private time?

    I'm generally do not pass judgment on people's live decisions when they are adults. However, I'm going to make an exception and call these people out for the crazy f*ckers they are.

    I don't know where these people live, but if one $1 of my tax money went to their upkeep, I'd be pissed. If they are paying for these kids 100%, then I'll shut my ass.

    I'm agnostic, but I'm fairly certain that God/Jesus didn't have 19 kids in mind when he said "be fruitful and multiply". 6? Maybe. 19? Probably not.

  38. From a physical standpoint, her uterus and bladder will collapse in the future.

    Michelle said she keeps the baby for a year and then passes it on to an older girl to take care of.

    The one good thing is that the kids have a ot of responsibility, which most kids don't have at any age. They know how to take care of themselves.

  39. http://www.agcwebpages.com/DUGGARS.html

  40. At some point, this woman's uterus is just going to dissolve.

    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The world is overpopulated enough without these people procreating like bacteria.

  41. How can it be a surprise when those in a Quiverfull movement only have sex when trying to have a child?

  42. Her uterus is going to prolapse - drop right out between her legs - one of these days, probably while she's out doing the groceries. The pelvic muscles lose their elasticity from frequent stretching and BOOM out it comes. I bet she leaks urine constantly, too. That's why the kids always have these weak-eyed faces when they're being interviewed - it's the smell of ma's stale urine.

  43. Yup they're crazy and I have no respect for them whatsoever. Those poor children, who cares if they can 'afford' to have that many children, it doesn't mean they should, they will be emotionally neglecting their children because they have too many! I can't stand religious nuts like this

    As others have said the world is overpopulated, couples should be having 2 kids max, anymore and you're putting a further strain on resources.

  44. I know it's unpopular, but I'm just crazy about this family. While they are a bit (and some days a LOT) more Yay God! than I am, and I think that I would be significantly more encompassing in the opportunities that I afforded my daughters, but they really do have kids who are well mannered and responsible and goal oriented. We can argue all day about whether or not the goals are appropriate. I have never seen anything more organized in my life. That family could go into one of the corporate failures and whip it into shape in five minutes.

  45. Why hasn't her uterus worn out yet?

    Because it's strong from all that exercise. She has the Arnold Schwarzenegger of uteruses.

  46. I'm with Kim on this one...I like this family. They seem to have their collective s**t together for such a large group. No welfare, they pay upfront for everything, they own several businesses.

  47. I think that the 19th child is wonderful! God has blessed them with the ability to love and car for all of these children without any assistance from any goverment help. And if some of you would actually watch the show before judging them then you would learn why they don't use birthcontrol and you would see that these 19 are a public view of how much the Lord has blessed their marriage. Not to mention for some in the Christian faith like me we don't believe in birthcontrol. If the Lord wants you to have one them BC doesn't do a thing.
