Davy Jones Says His Wife Doesn't Beat Him Up And His Kids Love Her. Uh Huh
Remember The Monkees? How about that very special Brady Bunch episode with Davy Jones? Yeah, so Davy was the lead singer of The Monkees and he is 63. He got married last month to a woman who is 32 named Jessica Pacheco. Before getting married the couple were together about two years. According to recent reports it was alleged that Jessica had been beating up Davy on a pretty regular basis whenever he didn't do what she wanted.
This week in The Enquirer, Davy laughs at all of that and said, "Jessica is the love of my life. I've never been so happy." Of course if he had said anything else she would have beat the crap out of him later. Jessica says that she is thinking of giving up acting to join World Wrestling. Acting career? Have you heard of her?
So when Davy and Jessica got married last month none of his four daughters came to the wedding. Basically they were pissed that dad was marrying a 32 year old woman who beats him up and isn't their mom. Davy says that all his daughters love Jessica and they are happy but that all four of them had commitments they couldn't get out of.
That last line should show you why you shouldn't believe a word that comes out of Davy's mouth. Is he trying to say that despite his kids being all for this marriage that none of four kids could make it to the wedding? None. All four had other more important things to do than watch their dad get married? I don't buy that at all.