Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Daniel Craig Needs Bodyguards?

Oh Daniel Craig I hope fame isn't going to your head too much. The New York Daily News is reporting today that Daniel asked the producers of the new Broadway show he is starring in with Hugh Jackman for bodyguards. Apparently he doesn't want fans approaching him while he is on the streets of New York. So far that hasn't been a problem because he is sporting a huge handlebar mustache and so no one had recognized him. Now that he has bodyguards though people are noticing him. Daniel, Daniel, Daniel. Bodyguards? Come on. You are James Bond. You don't need bodyguards. I understand if you fear for your safety, but if the sole purpose is to make sure you don't get approached by fans that is the wrong attitude to take.

"Everybody thinks it's funny because the truth is, Daniel rarely gets approached by the public in the street and at restaurants - especially now that he has the huge handlebar mustache for this role."

For his part, Hugh Jackman has not requested any bodyguards at all and doesn't mind interacting with fans.


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