Thursday, September 03, 2009

Ashley Dupre Says All Women Are Just Like Her

Apparently Russell Simmons decided that Ashley Dupre needed a forum to be heard or decided that we needed to hear what she had to say or she put out for him. I haven't quite figured that one out yet. Ashley Dupre is the hooker who turned tricks with the former Governor of New York. Well, now that it has been a year or so, Ashley wants you to remember her so she went off on a rant on Russell Simmons' site Global Grind. I am ashamed to say I don't know the site, but sounds like a tour of strip clubs around the world.

Anyway, Ashley's post was taken down, but thanks to the wonders of the internet, both the NY Post and Kneepads have excerpts from her rant. Oh, if you want the short version she says that all women are basically hookers just like her.

"I know many women who target guys with money and use them to get these things. They toy with them, flirt, go on dates, have sex and then drop hints about that new dress . . . or being short on rent money -- and the guys deliver it."

"I see this all over New York City. Some women aren't as vindictive, but still dive into relationships with wealthy guys who they don't love or even find attractive, but they stay in it because they have a nice home, a car and spending money," she wrote.

"They would rather stay in an unfulfilling or loveless relationship than lose that security."

"Is what I did any more dishonest? Get real and get over yourself."

Ashley then goes on to plug her new CD and says for an extra $500 she will come over to your house and deliver it in person. And you can even leave your socks on. This is the last gasp of someone who didn't even get 15 minutes and doesn't deserve 15 minutes.


  1. "for an extra $500 she will come over to your house and deliver it in person."


    She's referencing a classic feminist debate, but in a dumb way.

  2. Pathetic stab for attention.... but she is pretty accurate. Note: those quotes don't really support saying she's saying ALL women are like her, just that there are a lot of them. (Maybe the full rant does say that, though. I'm not willing to actually read the thing!) There ARE plenty of women who target rich guys solely because they're rich.

    And there have been since, you know, caveman days, so this isn't exactly a news flash. Ho hum.

  3. I just appreciate that she wouldn't charge extra for the sock thing. That's a straight forward hooker with a heart of gold, y'all. lol!

  4. If the company she keeps are fellow prostitutes/user-types, then yes, it would seem as if there are many women like her.

  5. I have wondered if Spitzer having to resign office was punishment enough or should he have had some sort of legal censure.

  6. Obviously, there are some women like her ... she is one of them. There are all manner of female sociopaths. And they all think they're the center of the world.

  7. Kellylynn - I completely agree with you! Of COURSE she knows a lot of women like that - they are her co-workers!

  8. If a woman wants to have sex with a man she's not attracted to for WHATEVER reason, then she should be able to do so. It's her body.

  9. Way OT here, but are we just not going to discuss DJ AM any longer? I'm kinda surprised Enty is not mentioning the reports of Oxys found in his stomach (differing reports came out) or the funeral today?

    Am I finding this strange alone or is anyone with me out there?

  10. I am astonished that some women would rather be totally dependant on some 'guy with money' than make a living working hard on their own. I would rather have my dignity and my own choices. Hooking up with a guy just because of his money, is really limiting yourself socially and emotionally. I guess these gals aren't really looking for an emotional relationship. Cool.

  11. This girl sounds like she went to the Beth O school of living

  12. I will admit I know there are many women out there like this, but it doesn't. make. it. right.
    I have personally prided myself on never accepting a drink from a man other than my boyfriend. I have my own job and money bitch, and wish more women would think the same way.

  13. Hey All, I'm with Selenakyle and want to talk about DJ AM's passing. I've been following it on TMZ and am sickened by the idiotic, negative comments that people are spewing about AM and Travis. I've gotta say that AM's death really made me feel bad and that I'm worried about Travis. He probably is a narciccist (sp?)and he does live his life in the public eye, but he's also a fragile human being who seems to be coping as best he can. He (Travis) is trying to stand up for his friend and get back to work on the tour and needs all the support he can get. Hopefully thoughts of his lil humans will pull him through. I have tickets to see them this month in Irving and I hope the band can finish the tour. But if it meant Travis quitting for a while and grieving at his own pace I would gladly see them another time. I guess my point is that I don't want to hear of anymore people dying too young.

  14. A rose by any other name is still a rose.

    A whore by any other name is still a whore.

    Got it, Ashley?

  15. Let's be honest, all women have, at some point, used sex as manipulation. Married women do it all the time: new couch, trip, make-up sex, penance?

    The girl is not so off the mark. Women just don't want men to realize they are being had & that we aren't as 'evolved' as Gloria would like us to be.

  16. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I've missed this girl! We love our ho's here in America!

  17. She is right, there are plenty of women out there that are just like her. Personally, I find that type of behaviour despicable (how DO you spell that?), but I also think that many men who have been in Elliott Spitzers position (no pun, etc.) knew exactly what the deal was. I think some men believe all women want is 'stuff'. That treating a woman right equals buying them things. And then women like Ashley Dupree come around and prove them right. Sure there are plenty of other women out there like her, but let me just assure you, I am NOT one of those women, and neither is any girl I know.

  18. Oh hell, I didn't know I could get a new couch that way. I just got divorced and bought my own.

  19. Oh shoot, I married because I was insanely in love. Maybe she can write a book so I can learn how to be a gold-digging whore.

  20. All you have to do is read the W4M section of Craigslist (any city) to see that she's partly right.

    that said, the women she's talking about are a small segment of the female population, say, maybe 5% of women.

    It seems like more because they're so OUT there, and frankly, because so many (otherwise sane) men LUST after JUST that kind of woman. The gorgeous + bitchy + manipulative type.

  21. she's right about there being women like's not like that's a new thing...but she's trying to justify her actions and somewhere in there her argument falls flat.

    give her a minute...she'll fall back into obscurity before we know it.

  22. I agree with KellyLynn. I was going to write what Portlandgirl did, but she beat me to it and so clearly and concisely too!

    Hmmmm, new couch or self respect? Self respect any day!

  23. When I was growing up, my father told me constantly that when I leave home I have to take care of myself and not rely on anyone else to do it. He didn't want me to be taken advantage of. As a result, I have never relied on a man or anyone else and have made my own way in this world. I even bought a house on my own, like I am sure millions of women have. So this whore needs to STFU. Not everyone is like her.

  24. Sunnyside-My couch is 15 years old! On the upside, I haven't had to worry about shaving my legs in foreva!

    kidding, sorta ;)
