Alena Jenkins On Good Morning America
Ryan Jenkins's sister was on Good Morning America this morning. She was asked among other things whether she was the person who drove Ryan Jenkins to the hotel where he hung himself. She declined to answer so I think we all assume that is a big yes. She is not going to be charged with a crime so there was no reason for her to not answer yes or no.
She was also asked whether she believed her brother committed the crime. She said, "Until proven without a doubt I have to say my brother is innocent." Well, I don't know how much more proof she needs. I guess she is looking for the Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane defense that there must be a photo showing it before there can be guilt.
TMZ released some pictures showing Jasmine Fiore being very intimate with her ex husband in the days prior to her death. Not intimate like sex intimate but some kissing and groping. Jasmine's ex had just been released from prison. Alena was asked if that could have set her brother off. Alena said no because Jasmine "was a bit of a show off" who "would quite often expose her breasts in public."
Nice. To see the video, click here. To see the photos of Jasmine and her ex, click here.