Monday, September 14, 2009

2,000 People Meet Susan Boyle At The Airport

Susan Boyle is a really good singer. I'm not sure she is drive out to the airport on a sunny weekend and wait for her to wave to you good. But, I guess I'm not like 2,000 other people who decided to do just that and drove to LAX this weekend so they could get a glimpse of the runner up from Britain's Got Talent as she made her first trip anywhere outside of Europe. Susan said she now knows how it feels to be the Beatles. Minus the hundreds of millions of dollars of course. I added that last part. I don't think she would mind.

When Susan saw the crowd waiting for you she said, “Oh my word. Is this for me?” The crowd then chanted, "No." Turns out they were waiting for Twilight actors. Just kidding. Yes, they were there for Susan and this week she sings on America's Got Talent. She is also releasing her new single which is a cover of Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones.

You can listen to it below.


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