Friday, August 07, 2009

Your Turn

Since I already have a Your Turn running from yesterday I figured today would be a good day for all of you to plug whatever it is you want to plug. A site, a movie, a YouTube, your garage sale or band. Whatever it is you can think of that you want to plug, now is your chance.


  1. Awesome, Enty. You are the best. I just opened a new home decor store in Savannah. Cherry & East at 41 Drayton Street. Stop by if you are in town or visit us at!

  2. I have nothing to plug...except I will say my favorite movie is Saint Ralph and everyone should see it. Sadly, I think I might be the only person on earth who watched it...

  3. Anonymous12:26 PM

    This weekend is East Nashville's Tomato Art Festival!

    Oh, love this site, enty. xoxo

  4. visit to learn more about Huntington's Disease. It's a terminal, hereditary illness that took Woody Guthrie's life, my dad's and so many others.

    And thanks Enty for always having such a great forum for us!

  5. Nothing to plug, but signing up to see what everyone else is plugging. :)

  6. I'm plugging TGIF. Not the restaurant, just the fact that it's finally Friday!

  7. Nothing to plug here, just chiming in.

  8. I am pimping ridiculousness. You've been warned!

    The Auditor General - Kickass music from Thunder Bay (that's in Canada, eh?)

    Plenty of Dish - I am in no way affiliated with this site; I just love their tales of romantic woe

    OMG That Rocks, because it cheers me up after reading Plenty of Dish

    My own Twitter, because I'm vain like that.

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Will check Pam's S website :D.

  10. Anonymous12:49 PM

    My Year of Banned Books

    If I could use one word to describe myself, it would probably be "reader". I can not imagine my life without the books that have shaped me, and though I I have long understood that many of my favorites have been targeted by people who think they have the right to dictate what I can and can not read, it didn't really anger up my blood until recently.

    In a week and a half, I will begin another year of my life. To celebrate, I am devoting this next year to devouring books that I would not be allowed if other people had their say. I will be revisiting old favorites, finally reading some I've long considered, and even reading books that I would never otherwise read.

    I invite anyone interested to follow along at My Year of Banned Books.

    (I normally post here under a different name (well, used to be one, then I started using another so people wouldn't be confused), but I'm posting under this Google ID because it's a) the one tied to the project, and b) I'm trying to be as vague as possible as who's writing it so that preconceived notions are at a minimum)

  11. First of all: Enty you're the best!

    Now my shameless plug: Some friends of me. Henchman they'll be touring California again pretty soon...

    then my reliable source of fake news. The Onion

  12. Please people if you're going to get another pet; look first to PETFINDER.COM that will find you a second hand pet to love. (some are even already housetrained)

    The 2nd thing I'd like to plug are Flipside Crackers. It's a pretzel and a cracker and addictive as heck.

  13. I'm going to plug my handmade jewelry line.

    Una Tia Especial on Etsy.

    I specialize in Swarovski crystals and sterling silver jewelry.


  14. I don't want to get into a political debate, but health care is something very, very personal to me. It affects me every day and has for more years than I can count. There are a lot of people like myself who are struggling to get through life and find a good doctor, find a real diagnosis, get treatment that is appropriate and actually works, etc., all while trying to maintain as normal a life as possible. I believe everyone has the right to their opinion, again, I don't want to anger anyone, but I am opposed to the current version of the health care reform bill and started a petition. I'm just a 33-year old female trying to put all that I've been through to some good purpose that will hopefully result in helping others in the end. Thank you for letting me say my little plug, and I look forward to seeing what everyone else puts here!

  15. If you live in the Orlando area ...

    Whether you pick up the paper or check out the website - it is the best thing the city has to offer. Funny, political and awesome in every way.

    Plus, if you are visiting Orlando, The Week (calendar listings in the middle of the paper) is a a great way to find cool local things to do in Orlando (not just the tourist-y I-Drive stuff).

  16. Thanks, Enty!

    As an animal lover, and as I do every year, I am raising money for the BC SPCA's Paws For A Cause which takes place in September. I am also volunteering at the event, as I have done for the past four years. Any donations are greatly appreciated :)

    My fundraising page:


  17. Thanks Enty, I love these posts because there's always interesting links to find.

    Katie, I will check out that movie. I have been trying to become re-inspired to run another half-marathon.

    My Year of Banned Books, I will check out your site as I am always looking for a good book to read. I love collecting old used books.

    I don't anything to plug. Just wanted to share that I miss my twin and wish we lived closer.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I have a blog that is all about spreading smiles during these tough times... Please visit it and I hope it brings one to your face today.


    it's my bday tomorrow... weeee

  20. firstly, Happy Birthday sherri dee ;)

    a lot of people have probably read The Road by Cormac McCarthy but if you haven't, it's a must read.

    also i watched the documentary The Bridge the other day. it's a compelling watch. i would advise anyone who has been affected by suicide to check it out.

  21. Can I pimp my book?

  22. I just started blogging so I could complain and not annoy my friends if they weren't in the mood. It's new and there is not much but if you are in the mood to read something....

  23. Avid reader, rare commenter, but I love this blog!

    Autism affects 1:150 children born today, including my son. He and I are walking to raise money for autism research. We'd love sponsors, or if you are in the D/FW area join our team or start your own!

  24. happy b'day sherri dee!

    *loves all the posts*

  25. I'm selling women's apparel on eBay. Very cheap, and free shipping!

    Thanks Enty!

  26. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I am a recent regular of this site and love it. Definitely am going to check out the Year of Banned Books website (may I recommend La-Bas, by Huysmans?), that is definitely up my alley. In the meantime, I am shamelessly promoting my own blog, which can be found at

    Thanks in advance for stopping by! Great site.


  27. Loved CDAN since the start. Rarely post, but read daily. Multiple times/day.

    I'll plug my own eclectic blog:

  28. I want to plug I entered the contest a few weeks ago to win a vacation and we won! A $5,000 vacation to anywhere in the world.

    Here's my blog with more details:

    Here's the official announcement:

    Thanks, Enty! xoxo


    Shameless plug for my husband's business. :)

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. My Year Of Banned Books:

    What was the book you read that Mrs. S said you shouldn't?

  32. I'll go ahead and plug a great boutique in Baltimore, MD.

    Find them on Facebook and Twitter.

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM


    Check back on the eighteenth - it's the first book I'll be discussing.

    There's a somewhat subtle nod to it on the page if you're of the right mind to notice it.

  34. Thanks Enty!

    I am pluggin' Forsythe Appraisals. We are nation wide... Very quality work!!

    Check us out:

  35. @RocketQueen ... is there some way I can sponsor you that doesn't involve a credit card? I don't have one of those but I get paid next week and I'll love to donate some funds your way!

  36. and

  37. I have a hand made jewelry and hair accessories shop on etsy. Would love for anyone to take a minute to check it out. Thanks!

  38. Thanks Enty! Want to plug:

    Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

    It should be easy to find classes by googling-- especially if you're on or near the coasts-- there are lots of teachers in Canada, Mexico, Europe and South America as well!!

    This is ancient technology anybody can do, that helps you feel better, clearer and more yourself, in just minutes.

  39. Thank you, Enty, for this entertaining blog that helps us forget our troubles.

    To those of you who have lost your job or home, or are struggling to make ends meet, I pray that things will turn around for you soon.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I have recently become addicted to the website...

    It is crude, rude and really high school with the comments. Yet I can't get enough of it.

    I know Nik is a pig, but it makes me laugh.

  42. I love CDAN and thanks to Enty for the chance to plug my wife's new album.

    Her name is Sarah DeLeo and she is a super talented jazz vocalist in New York.

    Her new album is called "I'm In Heaven Tonight" and you can buy it on CDBaby.

    Please buy and please enjoy. You'll like it a lot.

    Thanks, Enty! Keep on rockin'!

  43. I'd like to plug my upcoming birthday.

    August 18th.

    I'm going to get RETARDED in here.

  44. Oh Enty, thanks for letting us plug away. I have two: one is the orchestra that I play the violin with
    www.sfscottishfiddlers and the other is of our conductor and musical director, Alasdair Fraser/ Great music to enjoy.

  45. LOL@Harriet

    i think i can safely speak for everyone when i say we all look forward to that!

  46. I am coveting Pamela S's Darjeeling teapot. 'tis lovely.

    I plug CDaN whenever I can.

    Here's my own little blog:

    Not much, but you're welcome to come hang out.

  47. To MY YEAR OF BANNED BOOKS... What a wonderful idea.

    This year - at the suggestion of my fabulous aunt who's in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's but can still remember details of books from decades of reading - I read Nathaniel Hawthorne's THE SCARLET LETTER and Budd Schulberg's WHAT MAKES SAMMY RUN? THE SCARLET LETTER is the touchstone for thousands of books written since and WHAT MAKES SAMMY RUN? (RIP to Budd S. who died this week) was reviled by most of Hollywood for its too authentic portrayal.

    I look forward to reading your blog and learning what books you choose. Happy Birthday!

  48. I will plug this site for Canucks who like to buy Scratch & Win tickets. If you want to know the real odds, which tickets to buy and which game then check this site first:

    It works! Whoever the guy was who thought of putting this up, he is a genius.

  49. Thanks for that link, Pandora. My husband will LOVE it.

  50. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I just want to say thanks to everyone who's commented about my little project. I've been convinced that the only people who would bother to read it would be one or two friends of mine (which is fine, since I'm doing it primarily for my own pleasure), but knowing that other people find it interesting is really encouraging.

  51. Wow--these are fantastic. I am making a point of visiting these sites that ya'll and furniture? I'm there!

    Here's my ridiculous site:

    xoxo, babies...


  52. Some of my favourite articles on this blog:

  53. NP, Shakey.

    I'm such a cheap gambler. I want the sure thing.

    I WILL win the Cash For Life and when I do, round of drinks for CDAN on me, and I'll buy Enty shares in a brewery.

    I might even buy Enty a whole brewery if he posts some NCIS eye-candy.

  54. My site-i ramble on about art,music,film,design,culture or whatever inspires me :)

  55. Anonymous4:31 AM

    CDAN rocks. This must never be allowed to happen again. Below is a link to the story about a disgraceful travesty that happened in Western Australia when an indigenous father, son, brother, spokesperson accused of drink driving literally baked to death in the back of a police transport tranferring him to Kalgoolie after being refused bail by a civilian who didn't even speak with him. Please read the story and register your concerns to the Minister regardless of your nationality. It takes 30 seconds and we need to get this out virally and use thepower of the internet. Please send it to your databases and Enty please do a blog about it.

  56. Anonymous4:35 AM

    My last comment didn't seem to accept the address for the link which is:

  57. Anonymous4:38 AM

    That didn't work either so I put in spaces before "ViewEmail" and also before "02EA" so take those spaces out after you cut and paste the link.

  58. Please go see my fiance play Elvis geetar music in the new "Oedipus the King, Mama" play by the Troubies at the Falcon Theater in Burbank, starting on Aug. 21st!

  59. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I have a fashion- art- inspiration blog... check it out.
    Thanks Enty

  60. Hey everyone,

    I moved across the country and am now battling the blues. My blog is about trying to carve out a place for myself in a new city:
    Which reminds me I need to update....

    I also sing and recorded a CD 2 years ago:

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Miranda - I sent an email to farmhousepress@gmail with info on how to donate sans credit card - did I do good? ;)

  63. somehow i am going to copy all these links and check them out!

    and this is is a perfect place to post a recently trend i've noticed in the bunny world, could be paranoid, but i've seen it at home AND the local shelter:
    bunny lovers beware: there seems to be a resurgence of (infectious) Pasteurella multocida floating around out there.

    been through two anti-biotic courses w/ one of my buns, lost one a couple of months ago. anti-biotics are really tough w/ buns. i heard a couple of days ago there was sneezing in the shelter.
    my isis is @ 5, we think she picked it up from an outside trip that all of them went out for-- nobody else had the same symptoms. we've only seen wild rabbits in the area in the last couple of years.

    just watch for sneezing, head shaking, head tilting, eye watering. they keep eating, drinking and grooming, so don't count on that as a sign.
    God bless the bunny people!
