Monday, August 31, 2009

Will The Real Dad Please Stand Up Because I'm Tired Of This - Macaulay Culkin Is Blanket's Father

I am ready. I have been ready. I think the entire world is ready and this needs to go away. The Sun is reporting that Macaulay Culkin is the biological father of Blanket. Macaulay as you know spent a lot of time around Michael when he was younger. He was kind of like the 90's version of Corey Feldman except he didn't get into the whole glove and jacket thing. Macaulay is the godfather to the first two of Michael's kids so he did stay close with him after the age inappropriate relationship kind of dissipated.

So Macaulay being a dad hmmm? So that would make Mila Kunis the step mom? Mila Kunis as a step mom is certainly better than waking up at Joe Jackson's house. Just saying.

The biological father must know who he is. There is no way Michael just went down to the sperm bank and found some anonymous donor. I am tired of the speculation. Just let the poor kids know who their biological fathers are and mother as well when it comes to Blanket although I will go ahead and stick with the maid on that.


  1. Wait, why is it so impossible he just went down to a sperm bank and got it?


  3. Its Bubbles, he's the real father.

  4. As far as as those kids are concerned, Michael Jackson is their father, and sadly, they no longer have him. Can't we just leave it at that?

  5. Liane Cartman is Blanket's father and the mother is Billie Jean.

  6. Might have been better to report on the sociopath father in denial saying how "someone" has to pay for MJ's death. And how we couldn't agree more! Those poor kids.

  7. The older two didn't even know they had a Mom.

  8. call me silly but somehow I wouldn't be surpised to find Michael actually WAS the father of blanket. He reacted to his birth with a much higher degree of manic silliness than he did with his other children. I kinda thought he probably loved his first two so much he was willing to donate sperm for the third.

  9. WGAS who poor Blanket's dad is....I think it's weird that Macaulay never said anything public regarding MJ's death. They were close friends and then not to even just put out a simple "it sucks your dead, sorry to the rest of the Jacksons"....anything....something is just weird.

  10. Bubbles??? LMAO!!

    Please. He LOOKS like Michael. It's Michael's kid. (And I am NOT going to refer to him as "Blanket".)

  11. It should be up to those kids later in life if they want to know who their father(s) are. The media should shut up about it.

  12. I am not a MJ fan but I do think we all need to think about his kids. IN short, this is a point of information that no one has any business to be "discovering". It simply is no ones damm buisness whose the biological parent of these children. All they knew and loved was Michael. Let him rest in peace and let them be in peace by not being disturbed by the Media's snooping.

  13. the bio donors, moms and dads, have been paid off...i doubt they'll come forward until the $$$ begins to run low.

  14. Jackson's muppets aren't reading Enty's blog.

    I'm solidly in the Bubbles camp.

  15. wait wait wait wait wait

    Mila Kunis is with Macaulay Culkin??

    Loss of cool points, Mila.

  16. I think Michael is Blanket's biological dad. That being said - he was the "daddy" for all three of them - biologics be damned and that is all that matters.

  17. if it's true maybe Mila is the mom. Doesn't Prince Michael look like Niko Brando or is it my imagination?

  18. I think the dad is David Crosby.

  19. I think MJ got sperm from a bunch of guys, so that neither he nor they would know which the actual bio father is.
