As I started reading all of the coverage of Ryan Jenkins' death last night I was less concerned with how and where he committed suicide and more about how he got from Vancouver all the way over to Hope. The Vancouver Sun has a very exhaustive article and in their reporting they mention the fact that it wasn't Ryan Jenkins who checked into the hotel room last Friday night but rather a woman who did the registering and also the payment upfront for three nights.
Who was it? It was more than just someone who gave Ryan Jenkins a ride. It is pretty tough to convince a stranger to not only drive you from Vancouver to Hope but then to also check you into a hotel and then to stay alone with you for 20 or 30 minutes alone in the hotel room before departing.
So, who was it? Could it have been his mother? Ryan Jenkins today claims her son is innocent was hounded into killing himself. Could it have been a stepmother? He has one in Vancouver. After all that Ryan did it will be interesting to see who was willing to risk jail to help him hide.
From the description given to police it is not his mother unless she has had some really good work done to herself. Probably not a step mother either. The woman was described as in her early 20's and she was driving a PT Cruiser.
It's a shame he won't live to get what he deserves in prison. That's all I'll say about it.
ReplyDeleteEnty, it could be any number of girls this psycho had on a string with his money and douchy ways. no offence to the ladies but this guy had a type and that type...liked cash
ReplyDeletethis happened about 40 mins from my house and a lot of people hitch hike along there,its only about 2 hours from vancouver. he apparently was very thin and didn't look like his mug shot so its possible he was picked up by someone and paid her to register for him. money talks!
i think it is more likely though that it was someone he knew from alberta that he conned or paid off.
Great. Those fuxers who made that reality show are creamin their jeans about now. The blonde was probably a network employee. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a pre-hanging interview.
ReplyDeleteGosh, such a crazy and tragic story. I don't even know what to say about it all.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Little Red Leo. I wish that bastard could've gone to trial.
ReplyDeleteI love how his mom says he was hounded into killing himself. Is she trying to say he was innocent? Bitch, please. Fleeing the country after your wife turns up in a dead garbage can hardly looks like you're innocent.
Ok, I admit, I love the trashy reality competition shows. And I watched Ryan on Megan Wants A Millionaire. And lemme tell you, he was both cocky AND creepy. Apparently he was eliminated on that show BUT went on to win I Love Money 3 - something like $250 grand. Then he married this girl, who apparently had gone on vacation with her ex while married to Ryan, and now she's dead AND he's dead. Lordy.
ReplyDeleteI know a thing or two about sociopathic con men unfortunately, and I'm with Jax - I doubt he found it hard to get a two-hour ride due east. Sounds like he was heading for Alberta but realized they were looking for him there.
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't worth the price of a trial, and her parents deserve something better than a long media circus that would surely surround the extradition/trial. Quick closure = best possible outcome
ReplyDeleteApparently the car had AB plates.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Jax, this guy seemed like such a slimeball (even if you DON'T count the whole 'murder' thing) and probably had a gaggle of chicks who could "CHANGE him".
Saves our bankrupt state the expense of a trial and millions in incarceration costs, so a big thank you murderer for not costing us a fortune!
ReplyDeleteI think that would be the right age for a step sister who would be inclined to help a brother, but who knows in the end he left a trail of lies, pain and suffering for two families and again thanks for not making we poor taxpayers house and feed you for decades! Woot!
omg, so much tragedy and heartache for the families of the two. wow. just wow. :(
ReplyDeleteRyan Jenkins is dead. His body was found in a motel in Hope earlier today. At this time it appears he took his own life.
ReplyDeleteJenkins, a Calgary native, was wanted on first-degree murder charges in Orange County, Calif., in connection with the death of his ex-wife, Jasmine Fiore. Her mutilated body was found in a Los Angeles dumpster last weekend, stuffed in a dumpster in southeast Los Angeles.
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tmz is reporting that the girl has been identified as ryan's exgf that he dated for 3 years. they broke up before he went on megan wants a millionaire. the motel manager has identified her.