Who Is The Ryan Jenkins Mystery Woman?
As I started reading all of the coverage of Ryan Jenkins' death last night I was less concerned with how and where he committed suicide and more about how he got from Vancouver all the way over to Hope. The Vancouver Sun has a very exhaustive article and in their reporting they mention the fact that it wasn't Ryan Jenkins who checked into the hotel room last Friday night but rather a woman who did the registering and also the payment upfront for three nights.
Who was it? It was more than just someone who gave Ryan Jenkins a ride. It is pretty tough to convince a stranger to not only drive you from Vancouver to Hope but then to also check you into a hotel and then to stay alone with you for 20 or 30 minutes alone in the hotel room before departing.
So, who was it? Could it have been his mother? Ryan Jenkins today claims her son is innocent was hounded into killing himself. Could it have been a stepmother? He has one in Vancouver. After all that Ryan did it will be interesting to see who was willing to risk jail to help him hide.
From the description given to police it is not his mother unless she has had some really good work done to herself. Probably not a step mother either. The woman was described as in her early 20's and she was driving a PT Cruiser.