Tunisian Woman Not Giving Birth To 12 Kids - Not Even Pregnant
Earlier this week a Tunisian woman had reported she was 9 months pregnant with 12 kids. As it turns out now, she isn't even pregnant.
When her story popped up in the UK tabloids, Tunisia's health ministry went looking for the woman. When they found her, they discovered, "she has psychological problems and is unlikely even to be pregnant. Our staff interviewed her at length, but even her pregnancy appears to be in her imagination. She's claiming to be nine months pregnant with six boys and six girls, but there's absolute nothing about her appearance which indicates this. The woman has refused point blank to undergo a medical examination. Now we can't even contact her. She's gone into hiding."
Her husband has hired a pr firm to handle all of the media requests. People are speculating within the country that the couple was doing this for attention and to get on a reality show. See what we have done? We have spread the reality virus to Tunisia, which by the way is an absolutely beautiful country. I highly recommend it. Anyway, the couple got their 15 minutes of fame and they will probably even make a few bucks. Plus as a bonus they don't have to try and raise 12 kids. Oh, and for future reference, this is what a UK doctor had to say about 12 babies in a womb. "How could you get 12 babies into the womb at the same time? The womb just doesn't expand that much. She would have to be about seven feet tall."