Monday, August 31, 2009

Today's Blind Items

It has been a big week for those Academy Award nominated/winning actresses and their drugs. In this week's adventure, this barely a B Academy Award nominee/winner (different from last week's druggie) was boarding a flight to Europe when she realized she had a handful of OxyContin in her purse but no prescription. Instead of throwing them away she decided to take the entire handful before proceeding through security. Then, she and her child and nanny all boarded the plane. Our actress stayed conscious for about 45 minutes which the nanny found remarkable.


  1. oooh, so the nanny is a chatty patty...but eep, boo hiss on the druggie mom. has melanie g. done the spain thing lately?

  2. Is Melanie Griffith in detox?

  3. rachel weisz or emma thompson? because they have an Oscar and One child

  4. pomme - I think they are both A list.

  5. Wow - could this be Diane Keaton? I love her, but she can be flighty

  6. It's somebody who's been both nominated and won.

  7. Sh*t! I'd be dead seeing as I've never taken one Oxy much less a handful.

    Good Lord, what amounts must she have been taking and for how long to have that kind of resistance?

    Hmmmm, no clue about who it is yet, though...

  8. If it's either/or, it could be a whole bunch of people...

  9. Michelle Williams is a great guess, BTW.

    If they are barely a B list, it must mean they were only nominated, not a winner, right? (I always assume Enty's definitions are that an Academy Award winner is A list by default.)

  10. selenakyle - i think you are right about that, if they win shouldnt they be A?

  11. Kate Hudson? Wasn't she nominated for almost famous?

  12. I can believe Kate Hudson over Michelle. I don't know why I don't see Michelle as the pill popping type. Not that there is one, really.

  13. Rachel Weisz is not A list, IMO.

    It's either won or were nominated. Enty does that to keep us guessing.

    I hate always pointing this out cause I feel like sucha tool, but whatever. Being A List depends on how much money you can pull into a movie with your name on it. Awards don't have anything to do with lists.

    Michelle Williams is a good guess.

  14. Oh yeah, Kate Hudson is a much better guess.

  15. rachel weiss sounds good to me. i can't stand that woman

  16. No idea, but thank god they have a nanny to look after that poor kiddo.

    Maybe Kate was too drugged/ill to follow through on this gig in AU?,28383,25990174-5013560,00.html

    Not sure though as she was in SoHo just this past Sunday night.

  17. I have hard time believing Michelle Williams was this one. Wasn't one of, if not *the*, reasons she and Heath Ledger broke up was his drug use?

  18. Salma Hayek - nominated, one child

  19. Can someone explain why Michelle Williams? She seems unlikely to me...

  20. LaDona-lots of people become dependent on prescription meds. even if you take them for a short time. if you are in pain you need them.
    taking a handful isn't that smart, but anyone that has taken this or vicadin or darvocet can tell you that a handful isn't unusual.
    doesn't make this actress a bad person. she had her nanny there to care for her child.
    Michelle fits the clues

  21. Sharon Stone fits too, she has a 4yr old

  22. Sharon Stone has more than one child.

    Has Kate Beckinsale ever been nominated?

  23. Rachel's been in London performing A Streetcar Named Desire so automatically would be ruled out.

  24. I really, really doubt it's Michelle Williams. As maryja said, that's why she and Heath broke up!

    Then again, there's that Lainey blind about SJP being addicted to coke, despite her years with RDJ...

  25. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Courtney beat me to it! As soon as I read it I thought "Mira Sorvino"

  26. Mira Sorvino just had her second baby 2 months ago.

  27. Kate Hudson has been following A-Rod around the U.S. for months, so rule her out.

    Any chance it's Gwyneth? Maybe barely B means barely B-cup?

  28. I like the Samantha Morton guess but she has two kids.

  29. Michelle Williams also occured to me. I have no idea why, though.

  30. I never keep my presecription on me either. Tilda Swinton

  31. I've escaped it, but I've known quite a few Oxy addicts. They have to take incrementally larger doses to get the same result, so that what starts as a few a day becomes a dozen or several dozen eventually. In the absence of their pills, they become intensely anxious and depressed, with all the symptoms of opiate withdrawal.

    Thus, a heavy addict would easily be able to take twenty pills and survive; addiction and tolerance are heavily related with this drug.

    Me, I was into stimulants, so I managed to tweak past the Oxy freaks. Until rehab. And sobriety.

  32. OT but does anyone have the link or remember the BI about the actress that is rumored to have been born a hermaphrodite (not Lady Gaga) the bi also stated that there is only one other actress with the same that he knows of...

  33. You have to build up a tolerance to this medication. You can't just take an entire handful and be passed out. You would probably need to have your stomach pumped unless you want to die.

    My guess: Not Michelle Williams

  34. The only actress I know of is Jamie Lee Curtis. A friend of mine in the LA area had a relative born like this.

    He said that when the parents went for genetic counseling the Dr. had a thank you note signed by her parents in his office.

    This friend (Vic) had many a story but he always had proof that they were true. Obviously I never saw this document but I saw so many others that I had no reason to doubt him on this.

    He actually didn't tell me as 'gossip' the conversation was more about genetics and how this Dr. was the pioneer of testing the baby to see if it had more x or y chromosones. Before this the parents decided what they wanted the baby to be.

    It's a good thing to be able to genetically find this out I think.

  35. Nicole Kidman

    She recently went to Europe with baby Sunday and she never travels without the nanny.

  36. Kudos @Barton Fink.

    Second post I have read by you in as many days referencing your own fight for sobriety.

    The insight is valued. Thanks.

  37. Congrats@Fink

    Whomever our actress is, she must be heavily addicted to opiates. I have had multiple surgeries and have been on opiates for pain relief for over a year. It is so easy to become dependent upon them. I am gradually coming off of them, and I was on perc, not nearly as strong as oxy. If I took a handful of perc I would need my stomach pumped, and I had a high tolerance at one point.

  38. Way late here Tues. a.m. on the EC, but...

    On second thought, I do concur that MW is unlikely, not only b/c the heath issue but mainly since she is not one of the skeletal skinny-minnies who do not want to injest one more calorie than necessary to keep standing.

    I think a lot of people everywhere who have weight/eating/image issues take pills to "take off the edge" since they are calorie-free, addiction aside.

    So on after-thought I can see a stick insect like Nicole Kidman being this one. Of course, she would be a total hypocrite with her husband battling addiction...

    This one is hard!

  39. @Katja thanks.
    I think that was the other actress the bi was referring to. But it said that there was an actress that had the same. I was sure it was an Ent blind a few months ago maybe? I have looked thru the archives but can't find it.

  40. I think NK is still A-list.

    I agree that it's not Michelle W just because she dumped Heath over the drugs. Kate H has been photographed a lot lately and she doesn't *look* like she's been popping pills. I think Tilda has more than one child.

    I'm going to guess Catherine Keener.

  41. If u dated a druggie. You must have been a druggie too. Maybe for a short while but a girl friend of a druggie is a druggie. I am a cop and I know these things

  42. If u dated a druggie. You must have been a druggie too. Maybe for a short while but a girl friend of a druggie is a druggie. I am a cop and I know these things

  43. Its Michelle Williams. She is a druggie and she has always been. That was the connection with Heath L. I, find it funny how ppl thinks Michelle is a cute nice lady. Actually, Michelle stole Heath L from Naomi Watts. Naomi was deverstated when Heath left her check some old BV or gossip columist to know more ... Heath actually wanted to dump Michelle after filming it was just something that occured on the movie and was not meant to last but then Michelle got knocked up(smart move of her b/c she was a total unknown in the USA) and sadly it was the awards session, so his PR and Film Management said he should stick with Michelle until the Awards season press and media work died down. That's what took place. By the time, he had finally left Michelle he could not get back to Naiomi b/c she has now in a stable loving relationship and would not go back to him. Heath felt that Naimoi was the one who got away.

  44. Wow, I would not have thought of Michelle Williams, ever. Kate is at just about every Yankee game. My seats aren't as good as hers, but I could see her in the distance.

  45. What about Halle Berry? She has a young child...

  46. I doubt it's Salma. She seems smarter than that.

  47. RE: DaniellaClapham...

    While I'm not questioning your expertise and appreciate your POV, unless you are personally and intimately involved with the Michelle/Heath history, please consider not being so adamant. Such claims, if not completely accurate, are very hurtful. I have friends who were friends with Heath and they never heard of MW being into drugs. Yes, there were talks that he was surprised at the news of her pregnancy but that they have always said he was really happy at first. The point... we will never know. If, however, MW is using drugs, and if any of her friends are reading this, they need to stage an intervention. Matilda deserves a healthy parent.

  48. Kate Hudson, she always looks boozy whens he's not looking slutty

  49. re: K
    Good thinking on Keener but I think she's the "heroin(e)" from last weeks blind item

  50. Halle's preggers, so I sure hope it's not her!

  51. RE: DaniellaClapham...

    Sorry, but you're wrong that if one dates a druggie, then you must be too. I was unfortunately involved with an addicted person. He wasn't when we started dating, and I have never even smoked a cigarette, let alone anything harder.

  52. Kidman makes sense. She should be down to B list she hasn't had a movie do well in years. She's known more for her frozen face than acting skills these days. She doesn't go any where without a nanny.

  53. Michelle Williams is an excellent guess. I completely wouldn't be surprised at all. She is definitely barely a B, yet was nominated for an academy. She'll never be an A or a headlining actress. She just doesn't have the "It" factor.

    Nicole Kidman? No way. She's still an A and headlining actress. That woman will never drop lower than a B. Freeze or no freeze, she's too big of a name.

  54. A+/A = Can carry a movie, just on their name alone. DiCaprio, Cruise, Kidman, Pitt, Jolie, Bullock, Witherspoon, Diaz, DeNiro, Downey Jr, Damon, Depp...

    B+/B = Can be a draw, as long as there is another big name co-star along side them. Aniston, Hudson, Owen, Dillon, Paltrow (used to be an A), J. Garner, Bloom, Knightly, Parker, Alba, Vaughn, Affleck (more of a B-bordering C)...

    C+/C = Can't carry a movie, unless it's a TV movie, not a big draw unless surrounded by bigger names. Jessica Biel, G. Butler, Lohan (now a C), Krasinski, Baldwin...

    D = Straight to DVD. No one wants to see the cheese. Paris Hilton, Mischa Barton, anyone from The Hills cast...

  55. Hidman might be A because of that undeserved Oscar she got but she cannot carry a movie. She's never been able to open a movie. She still gets parts,but the movies don't do well. I think her career is one flush away from being down the crapper.

  56. This is back from 2007, and though you may disagree that Kidman was an A list, she most definitely was...and in my opinion is still up there...she just hasn't done a decent movie in a while. I will agree that she has dropped, but only slightly. She's probably a B+ now...but certainly has headlined movies in the past...and possibly again in the future.

    The below is straight from this website.

    Here are the top ten highest paid actresses from 2007.

    1. Reese Witherspoon
    2. Angelina Jolie
    3. Cameron Diaz
    4. Nicole Kidman
    5. Renee Zellweger
    6. Sandra Bullock
    7. Julia Roberts
    8. Drew Barrymore
    9. Jodie Foster
    10. Halle Berry

  57. BTW... "the Others" did very well at the theater...and she was the headlining actress in that movie.
