Monday, August 24, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This would certainly confirm some long term rumors. This bald, male, former A list action star and now a solid B in movies only was spotted at a house party this past weekend making out with a guy. The thing about it is he wasn't trying to be discreet at all. There have to be some pictures of this because there were just too many people at the party.


mooshki said...

Vin for the Win!

xoApril said...

Bruce Willis or Jason Statham

Karmen said...

I was gonna say Bruce Willis, but Mooshki got it, and she took the saying I always use and made it rhyme. Fail.

Pookie said...

ohhhhhhhh, i'm w/ ftw!

RocketQueen said...

Vin for sure - don't think Statham was ever A-list action and if it were Bruce, Enty would have mentioned that he's married.

Ror said...

Nicolas Cage! HAHAHAHA

West End Girl said...

Vin, although I'm still confused by the fact he has a child, from someone he was in a relationship with :?

AvaMore said...

HA! Mooshki! You beat me too it while I was waiting for the site to load...anyone else having problems with that lately?

Anyhow, def Vin, the rumors have been around for a while.

Majik said...

I thought of Vin, but would he seriously be "former A" in action and now "solid B"? I would put him at B action, at best and def C/D movies now (didn't he do a daddy daycare type film and/or a pet film? That's not indicative of B list movies now....).

Sounds more like Bruce, but I have NEVER heard he likes men...

Possibly Stratham--rumors, check....A list action, check....solid B list in movies now--possibly.

caralw said...

I'll go with Vin. Willis did TV.

selenakyle said...

I think this is definitely Vin.

We haven't heard that many rumors about Bruce (at least I haven't) and Statham would not be considered A-List before but B-list now. I'd think if anything he's A-list now since he's opened a string of movies, some that had sequels.

Vin hasn't opened any recent movies other than that last F&F sequel, has he? And before he had Pitch Black (LOVE that flick!) and The Pacifier, etc. but they were a while back.

Anyway, just my $.02 worth (dang no-cents symbol keyboard!)

Anonymous said...

I was going to say Travolta even though he isn't completely bald hehehe. Also their was a picture of him kissing a guy.

mygeorgie said...

Jean_Claude Van Damme?

If there were so many witnesses, just give us the damn name!

FrenchGirl said...

Vin or Jason :that's the question!

mooshki said...

Enty has talked before about how Vin had the world at his feet for a while and threw it away. I think he would've given him a C for current status, except that Fast & Furious did so well, even with Vin crapping out on the publicity tour. I think Jason has been a steady B+ all along.

jax said...

i can tell you all it is VIN DIESEL.
i ran into him with some gfs at the lake about 4 years ago maybe? he was with a shit load of people...none of them women, not one. and they were alll of ze gays.
and i know from gay.

having said that,i could easily co-sign statham or jean claude as well.

CDAN Mod said...

vin impregnated a woman to throw off those gay rumors. it didn't work.

Angie said...

Vin would have been considered A list???

Maja With a J said...

I think Vin Diesel counts as A list because of his franchise. I thought Bruce Willis as well, but Diesel makes a lot more sense.

Maja With a J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sunnyside1213 said...

Angie, I agree. When was he ever A list. This has to be Willis. Except, he just got married???

Unknown said...

AvaMore I was just saying that, the site loads but freezes to completely load.

As far as the blind I agree Vin Diesel. When he first came out I said "damn that sounds like such a gay porn star/ gay stripper name."

Unknown said...

we're all forgetting vin has an identical twin brother! please conspiracy theorists; any pics? :)

BusyBee said...

I vote Bruce Willis. He was Definite A list, I don't think Vin was ever really an A.

Merlin D. Bear said...

It really is a tossup between Vin and Statham though.
My only quibble is with calling Vin a solid B and Statham ever a "former A list action star" - if anything based on his body of work (excluding Dungeon Seige, the movie...but still you gotta give props to an actor who can take a character like "Farmer" and actually work with it)
Diesel on the other hand is well known to have had A list status and thrown it away by both attitude and project choices.
So minor quibble aside, I'd say this is Vin and I wanna see some pictures dammit!

La Doña said...

Samantha - I wouldn't call them identical:

Jaiden_S said...

Vin all the way. He can open a movie and he's had multiple franchises. That makes him former A list. Vin for the win!

califblondy said...

I find it hard to believe that Vin was ever A list. Otherwise, it's sure sounds like him.

Anonymous said...

Vin became A-List when XXX opened big.

My other guess was The Rock/Dwayne Johnson, but he's not really bald per se. I think that's more wishful thinking. Rock > Statham > Vin

mooshki said...

I thought Enty meant A list in action movies, not A list overall.

Merlin D. Bear said...

By way of reference, I think he achieved A list with F&F 1 - the rest of the timeline I'm not sure of, but he also did have multiple franchise flicks; however, they flopped and he flopped and Disney took him on at a bargain price and saved him.

That's my take on it anyway...

With his return to the F&F franchise, that definitely puts him at B -

Dijea said...

Vin qualifies as A list before Jason.

Mooshki definitely got it.

link88 said...

It cracks me up how Mooshki is always able to clarify for Ent when the posts start to go in the wrong direction!

Obviously it's Vin - that's what the site writers intend (and Jax has said for a long time now how she saw Vin acting gay with a group of guys.

RocketQueen said...

Agree with Mooshki - Enty says "A list ACTION"

Char said...

First thought Vin. Second thought Vin. Third thought Vin....

I think you get the idea.

Anonymous said...

If it were Transporter Guy or The Rock, I would weep. They are both so freaking hot. Let it be Vin Diesel, I have no interest in violating him.

.robert said...

Here's the pedant in me: is Vin bald or shaved?

Willis is balded to the point of being bald but I dunno, just wondering how much words weigh.

Little Baby Jade said...

Bruce was my first thought and I'm sticking with it.

City Councilman Doug said...

But he's NOW a solid B in movies only. I think the addition of that term could mean that he has done TV before. I call Bruce. Enty doesn't necessarily have to mention that he is married. But I do not see Vin Diesel as anything but C, maybe a B- if that. And def. not solid. You put Statham's picture in front of 100 people, of all ages, and I think he'd barely get 70% recognition. Almost everyone know who Bruce Willis is.

TinselSass said...

Vin was definitely AAA circa F&F1 and XXX (as in Triple X although he may be into X rated). Jason is supposed to be a hot-blooded het... hope that fantasy hasn't been dashed.

Barton Fink said...

The word "rumor" made me suspect Bruce, but baldness is totally Vin Diesel's trademark. Always bald, forever. And he was an A-lister at one point, with a huge future -- until he started angering people with douchebaggery (is that douchebaguerie?).

Unknown said...

Am I the only woman who hopes that Vin has a gay sex tape that exists and gets leaked?

AlexT said...

Didn't Bruce just get married? Not that that means anything one way or the other as far as sexuality goes, but you'd think you might as well save yourself the alimony...

Geebz said...

Bruce Willis

PotPourri said...

I was thinking Travolta myself.

Poodle Bitch said...

The word "male" in the clue is throwing off Poodle Bitch.

Anonymous said...

How could anyone think this is NOT Vin Diesel?? Come on!

Jade, That Girl said...

Jason stayed a hotel I worked at and bringing him his room service was a highlight of my night.

And with was a very beautiful blond with legs for days.

I don't think there is much homo about him.

Definitely Vin.

Robyn said...

wow... I think the most obvious person would be Billy Zane.. have heard those rumours!

Jerry said...

just my $.02 worth (dang no-cents symbol keyboard!)

Selena, it's there -- you just have to find it. While holding down the Alt key type the numbers 0162 and voila! ¢

B626 said...

Too bad if if Bruce is gay.
Not feeling it.

*girl said...

Totally off blind, but thanks Jerry! I've wanted to make the ¢ sign for ages!

Ayesha said...

With Mooshki here.

Although I like the Billy Zane guess, too.

Karmen said...

Jesus, alt+0126? That just shows you how much inflation has come over the years.

Hooray! Thanks so much for the tip, Jerry! This is fun!

OK, I'll stop now ☺

Anonymous said...

It's Vin. When he was here in Vancouver he was openly hitting on guys at the local clubs. It was all the talk among the locals

sunnyside1213 said...

Ok...I am jumping off the Willis ship. I now think it is Vin.

mooshki said...

"It cracks me up how Mooshki is always able to clarify for Ent when the posts start to go in the wrong direction!"

Hee! That's sweet, but sometimes I'm WAY off with what I think Enty's saying, so don't trust my opinion too much. And just to show that, Billy Zane sounds like a good guess to me too. :)

Jade, That Girl - ENVY!!!!!

Bella said...

Kevin Spacey?Not an action star but definitely bald. Not sure if he's even b-list now,

Erin said...

I wouldn't be shocked if it was Vin, even tho I know he likes women. He hit on my sister once in an elevator in Hollywood. She said he's short (and SHE'S only 5'6"!) Bruce only fits the descript of bald, A-list and action. I'd never assume he'd be kissing a man! He's got grown kids for god's sake! With Demi Moore, and is on to another marriage w/a smokin' hot female. I think he's a little mature and intelligent to be experimenting that way at this phase of his life. Has anyone considered Billy Bob Thornton?........ anyone?

Erin said...

Was Billy Bob ever considered A-list? Maybe when he was hangin' on to Angie's coattails.

Anonymous said...

It has to be Bruce Willis.

The clue is in the first sentence.

Note the word "Rumors" and then remember what his daughter's name is.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zepto Kitty said...

The first post on this site makes several interesting points regarding Willis. I just don't see Vin with such high status...

angelface said...

Keyser Soze!

Just kidding, this has Vin written all over it. I used to see him on Shelter Island in NY all the time with his boyfriend. This isn't a huge secret

Anotheramy said...

I dont know who that Jason person is. If someone is A list, I would know their name. Travolta is bald and gay, Vin D, bald and gay. Willis, not gay.

Unknown said...

What about The Rock???

eleian said...

True A-list action star, Bruce Willis. I'm bad at these, and he was the very first name that came to mind.

skeletontea said...

Pfft,'s got to be Billy Zane. Not only did his career take a rather drastic nosedive, he has total gayface.

butterflydice said...

wonder how is many girlsfriends and his child fit into this whole thing.

crayolkidd said...

Just love how the unsubstantiated rumour mill works!


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