Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This foreign born, married B-/C+ movie and television actor just missed out on what would have been his big break. A lead on a great television show that was canceled. He has always been thisclose to moving up a notch on the list. Well, his actress wife is also a B-/C+ but she is on the downswing of her career and older than her husband. Anyway, the husband has got the role of a lifetime he is about to begin shooting and his wife saw a role in the movie as a chance to try and resurrect her once promising career. In public the husband was all for it, but in private he worked behind the scenes to make sure her part went to another actress because he wants the focus to be all about him and not about a husband and wife on the same movie. His wife still doesn't understand how she went from having the part one day to it being offered to another actress the next.


  1. Antonio Banderas/Melanie Griffith

  2. Great guess, incognito! I'm trying to think of other English/Canadian actors that are married to older actresses but coming up blank..

  3. With the movie being Dali, definitely Oscar material. The Academy loves a biopic

  4. i believed Melanie Griffith was the jealous actress crazy on her actor husband in another Enty blind item!

  5. I'm with SkittleKitty -- Damian Lewis.

  6. Antonio/Melanie would fit, but where's the TV credits, or am I missing/forgetting something?

  7. I don't even understand this blind item, it's written so poorly.

  8. Right - I can't find the cancelled great TV for Antonio.

  9. Of course, in argument against my own guess, Damian Lewis' wife is in/working on the Harry Potter films, so I don't think she's really in need of his help.

  10. Antonio has done TV... just not TV in the US.

    No clue what the cancelled TV show is, though.

  11. Wait, how about that guy who used to play Lovejoy? He was in Deadwood and I think Kings was just cancelled? Is he married?

  12. Anonymous2:53 PM

    The way I read it - he "just missed out on what would have been his big break"....he was going to get a lead part in the TV show, but it got canceled before that happened.

  13. Jason O'Mara from Life on Mars.
    A great show - cancelled.
    Married to Paige Turco who is 7 years older.
    Just got a role in the new Resident Evil:Afterlife "role of a lifetime" also starring Eva Mendes, Ali Larter, and Milla Jovavich

    what do you think?

  14. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I read this as the wife being a lot older. Damian Lewis's wife is only 3 yrs older.

    Ian McShane's wife doesn't have a birthdate available, but was Miss Michigan the year his first daughter was born by someone else. I'd assume she's younger.

    I like the O'Mara guess, but was Paige Turco ever really B-/C+? (My eternal love for "American Gothic" not interfering)

  15. I don't think it's Antonio. He doesn't really need a 'big break', he's a big enough name already

  16. Ian McShane's Wife, Gwen Humble, is 11 years younger

  17. I like O'Mara/Turco guess. She was on several shows, mostly recently "Damages". She's been around a while and could have had a better career, but she's kind of gone down some. I think the cancelled show is "Life on Mars" which had the potential to be a hit if they would have given it a chance. Jason's star is def on the rise. Plus, as someone's already pointed out, she's 7 years older than him.

  18. I think it's Damien Lewis too. He and his wife were at the Harry Potter premiere and he was wearing a scarf (what is he, a prince?) and holding an umbrella, acting goofy behind his wife while she did interviews. He seems to need to be the center of attention. He also probably wants his wife home taking care of his babies.

  19. I like the Jason O'Mara guess, too--and his wife could use the work, but is a role in Resident Evil a role of a lifetime? I don't know the games/movies.

  20. the role of a lifetime could mean anything.
    I think the women in the movie may cause Enty to say that alone. There is also a reference to "life" in the title.

  21. None of the answers guessed so far seem to fit. Sorry guys.

    This is not Jason O'Mara -- he was in the first "Resident Evil" flick two years ago and a sequel definitely wouldn't be "the role of a lifetime."

    This isn't Ian McShane either; blind says the wife had a once-promising career, and Gwen Humble never had much of a career to begin with. I doubt anyone is a rush to cast Miss Michigan 1971 in any kind of role.

    Damian Lewis is filming a role where A. he's not the lead and B. in a movie that really wouldn't boost anyone's career.

    Antonio doesn't need the help at all -- as someone said, he's already a big (by comparison) name.

  22. I was thinking the same, A role in Resident Evil isn't the role of a lifetime, this is the fourth RE movie produced

  23. I agree with itsjustme. None of the guesses really fit...but I can't think of anything better. :/

  24. Helen McCory guest-starred on Damian Lewis's show, so it doesn't seem like he would have a big problem appearing in the same movie.

  25. Not Melanie and Antonio. As mentioned, he's hardly "on the cusp" and has had no problem casting her in roles (Crazy in Alabama).

  26. It's Anthony LaPaglia. Without A Trace was cancelled. And, his wife, Gia Carides, is an actress. He's done quite a few films over the years, and has one just completed, and one in pre-production.

  27. Gia Carides = not a B+/C- actress.

  28. Naveen Andrews / Barbara Hershey?

  29. Agreed with the Antonio guess~ always thought the only reason he was with that looney tune was to "make it bag"~ which never happened....but how does he continue....? One may never know.

  30. It says B-/C+ which screams Antonio to me~ Zorro? The question is not about a tv show he IS on~ that was cancelled, so we may never is about a role he HAS taken in a MOVIE....that he did NOT want Melanie to be in.....guess why.

    Her cutsie past can not be resurrected, hence would bring that movie DOWN...I don't blame him one BIT.

  31. I seem to read the BI a little differently. I understand that the actor didn't get one of the lead parts on the great (but canceled) TV show.

    However, he gets now another opportunity (and a better one), the role of a lifetime, for a movie this time.

    Ray Liotta didn't want to play Tony Soprano, Michael Keaton wasn't interested in playing Jack in Lost. I'm thinking of somebody like that, but somebody that eventually lost a part that looked written for him.

    Anyway, I admit that the BI is really poorly written...

  32. Not Damian Lewis - is not about to do a "breakthrough" movie; his wife Helen McCrory does NOT need his help lol. Antonio Banderas is making a potentially Oscar winning movie. His wife, Melanie, has no career as of this point. Also, Damian's wife is only 3 years older than him; I think Enty was speaking of someone older than that..

  33. Don't think it is Mr. LaPaglia
    but gosh was he EDIBLE in 'Innocent Blood'
    RENT IT!!!

  34. The Arquettes making the next movie called Scream.

  35. christian de la fuente and angelica his wife lol

  36. Antonio is too old for this blind. He's established and he'll never be above a B. Can't be him. Plus, what TV show? Most shows have pre-production credits even if they never happen.

  37. James McAvoy and Annemarie Duff. A girl can dream.

  38. Completely off topic...but why can't I get to the message boards? Every time I click the link I get an error message that it's taking too long to respond, blah, blah, blah. I've been trying forever...

    Alright sorry for the tj but I'm frustrated, man!

  39. Will Arnett & Amy Poehler? Don't know the age difference but he is Canadian. Cancelled show being Arrested Development, which we know Enty loves.

  40. I don't think it's Arnett and Poehler. I'd say she's more famous than he is, and her career doesn't seem to be in a downswing. She got the lead on a tv show not too long ago.

    That said, I can't think of anyone who fits. I really don't watch enough tv for most of these blinds. lol.

  41. Definitely not Damian Lewis.

    His wife is in no need of assistance from him: she can act the pants off him, which is no mean feat. They both have the acting chops to get roles on their own strengths. Theatre is their first love.

    He's also getting into producing more with Picture Farms and his brother.

    As to who it is, I'm stumped. Did the Mentalist get cancelled? Simon Baker?

  42. Is Keeley Hawes older than Matthew MacFadyen?

  43. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Is Kevin McKidd's wife an actress?

  44. haha yeah "Your Highness" is hardly the role of a lifetime even though it might be really funny and he isn't th lead.

  45. just a personal pet peeve, when people refer to actors as "Mr. "X"" or "Miss "Y". Drives me up the bloody wall. felt the need to comment. Always reeks of agent, manager or someone who thinks that the person will actually read this and feel somehow honoured by this and will make the poster their new BFF. Sorry to the person above me I just offended but it drives me bat sh*t.

  46. Farmgirl, Ali Larter & Eva Mendes are going to be in a movie together? Better watch out Ali, Enty's going to be "dropping by" to see you every day of the shoot! :)

  47. Can "role of a lifetime" be a sarcastic reference to the actual channel or some sort of biography covering many years? We always go for the obvious and then get stuck thinking along the same lines. I'll bet most of these blinds are about people we never think of.

  48. I was going to say James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff. But according to IMDB they are in the Last Station together and its in post production so that means they were in it.

    starting from scratch.......

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  50. Demi and Ashton? Where was Ashton born anyway?

  51. In that case, in their shoes, I'd cast Demi and get rid of Ashton.

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  54. I want to say Kelsey Grammer just because he has something new coming out and he was set to star in a new TV show but it was cancelled because he was busy producing a TV show. However, his wife is younger and with his producer credits I would not say he is "always this close to moving up"
