Thursday, August 27, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Kindness

This Academy Award winner/nominee actress who does a mix of television and movies has a best friend who recently got married. Her friend is a special education teacher for a school which does not pay their employees very much. The friend married a man who is also a teacher at the school. The original plan was for the couple to just get married at their home and have a very tiny reception and not even a honeymoon as they are trying to save whatever dollars they earn for a home. Well, our actress gave them and paid for the wedding of a lifetime as well as a reception, the honeymoon and even gave them $50K towards their house.


  1. I don't know who that is, but that's amazing.

  2. those are all great guesses-- I have no idea who this could be.

  3. although the "mix of television and movies" kind of throws things...

  4. Hell, I'd get married again if I had a friend like that. I love the kindness blinds.

  5. please reveal this eventually! what a great friend - im a special ed teacher as well and it is the type of job you get into knowing you aren't going to get paid much.

    wow that is so generous : )

  6. please reveal this eventually! what a great friend - im a special ed teacher as well and it is the type of job you get into knowing you aren't going to get paid much.

    wow that is so generous : )

  7. i like Hillary Swank guess

  8. Wow! I love your kindness blinds. They make me feel a little less cynical about the world.


  9. I'm thinking the teacher couple has to be a young couple, and maybe young enough to only recently start an education career within the last few years, but not in the business long enough to purchase a home, separately or otherwise.

    That said, the actress might have to be young too. I'm going with Anna Paquin...Oscar winner for the Piano/doing True Blood now.

  10. I'm liking It's just me!'s logic - Anna Paquin.

  11. @It's just me! - Anna Paquin is a great guess.

  12. That's fricken awesome! Props to our actress.

  13. I also agree that Anna Paquin is a great guess. And definately has the right mix of age/tv/movie etc. clues.

  14. It sounds like something Glenn Close has done in the past... and she only improves with time!

  15. It sounds like something Glenn Close has done in the past... and she only improves with time!

  16. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Liking the Kate Winslet and Anna Paquin guesses, but I;ll throw another one out there: Salma Hayek.

    Oscar nominated for Frida, on "30 Rock" and "Ugly Betty" a little while ago.

  17. Wow -- that's awesome.

  18. Hmm. I like the Anna P and Glenn C guesses.

  19. Bless her... Hope they realize just how lucky they are to have her as a friend.

  20. Sally Field popped into my head but Anna P and Glenn C make sense too

  21. Amy Ryan, Minnie Driver, Chloe S, Rachel Griffiths, Toni Collette.

  22. I'm on the Anna Paquin train. If Sandra Bullock had been nominated for an Oscar, I would have thought it was her.

  23. I like Laura Linney guess.

    Laura Dern fits, too.

  24. Helen Mirren or Judy Dench?

  25. All great guesses. Hope enty reveals this one. And coke mom.

  26. Whoever it is, please reveal on New Year's Day, Enty. They deserve recognition.

    The problem with Anna Paquin is that she was raised in New Zealand--how would she have MET this special ed teacher? Still, I'm going with her as my guess. The only other nominee young enough to fit the logic pattern is Jennifer Hudson and I'm pretty sure it isn't her.

    And I know it isn't Gwyneth.

  27. Laura Linney was a teacher (autistic children)

  28. Jessica Lange or Dianne Wiest?

  29. I was also thinking of Amy Ryan. Almost all the other suggestions are movie actresses that have switched to TV or the opposite. Amy would be one of the few who does both simultaneously (The Wire, The Office, Gone Baby Gone, The Changeling).

    Besides, she's very down to earth in her interviews, got a few big cheques since her career took off and might want to share the wealth. But she's also pregnant and might not be that wealthy.

  30. Could it be Amy Adams?

  31. What about Felicity Huffman?

  32. Jada Pinkett Smith

  33. Many of the guesses have not won Oscars. Glenn Close hasn't, Jada and the two Amys (Ryan/Adams) haven't, and so on.

  34. I was being persnickity with the JPS guess ala "special eduacation."

  35. I can't even begin to guess who this is, but I'm grateful for anyone who's kind in this world.

    Looking forward to the reveal on New Year's Day.

  36. GF- winner and/or nominee

  37. Holly Hunter? Doesn't she have young children, so she might be mixing with people who teach kids?

  38. @gladyskravitz, Wait why is it a problem that she was raised in NZ? couldn't her best friend be a teacher in NZ? sorry if I'm completely missing something about where this occurred...

  39. For your consideration...Whoopi

  40. If it says winner/nominee that doesn't mean winner or nominee, although it's a bit repetitive considering you can't win without being nominated unless there's some story from 55 yrs ago where someone won as a write in candidate.

    My guess is someone who definitely won, but what's all this television Meryl Streep or Kate Winslet are switching back and forth between besides chat shows.

    Of all times not do use the grading system of A list, B-, now is not the time.

  41. Now that's awesome!

  42. Am liking the Paquin guess. She moved to LA sometime around 96-97. She attended Windward, which is a great school and where she did community service at a soup kitchen and a special education center. Both of her parents are teachers as well. She did spend time in NYC while attending Colombia.

    Also came across this tidbit, "When on a talk show, the host told her he would give her $10,000 if she could shoot a basketball into a hoop. She did, but he refused to pay. After bad press he gave her the money which she donated to charity." That seems like a pretty classy thing to do.

  43. that is really wonderful, i hope it gets revealed =)

  44. Jennifer Hudson?

  45. Mercedes Ruel. I just find her really likable.

  46. I'm on the Jen Garner train.

  47. OK, I'm back to thinking this is Anna Paquin. It makes sense logically, and if she went to school in the US in 96-97, she certainly could have made friends while in school here. And yes, it's true, the blind could be about her best friend in NZ, but I somehow got the sense that the couple is in the US. Nothing to hang that on, just a sense.

    Plus, she seems like a kind woman. Maybe that is projection because Sookie is such an empathetic character.

    Oh and Enty often says someone is an Academy Award winner/nominee, just to keep the guessing game going. Same with when he says married with child(ren). Could be one kid or Kate Gosslein (well, except she won't be married much longer).

  48. Jennifer Garner was never nominated for and oscar.

  49. Not Glenn Close. She has had 5 Oscar nods, but I know two people who have worked with her who have both say "never again!" She is reputed to be a total beeyotch. Sorry, doesn't sound like her.

  50. I hope this doesn't remain 'blind" forever. I really want to know more about celebs who are sweet and kind rather than drunk and drugged.

  51. Jenny McCarthy has a child with learning special needs. Probably has a grateful heart for the help the teacher has provided.

  52. Jenny McCarthy doesn't fit the Oscar nom/win part of the BI, though...

    I'm liking the Salma Hayek guess: she and her husband have def. got the funds to go big when they gift. Very cool story, though, no matter who it is....

  53. Could be Helen Hunt?

  54. Marcia Gay Harden.

  55. I want it to be AP too! Just cause i like the show and her. :)

    But Bubbles, how do you know it doesnt mean winner OR nominee? Thats how I have always interpreted it´!

  56. Glenn Close

    5 time academy award nominee

    Also on "Damages" and guest spot on "The Shield" in addition to movie roles.

  57. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Mary Louise Parker

  58. Had only one interaction with Glenn Close and she went out of her way to be mean and condescending to me in front of other people, casual gathering. Can't personally say she's a favorite but the broad can act. Mercedes Ruehl, on the other hand, is totally fabulous.

  59. The downside to being a tax professional is immediately thinking about the gift tax implications of her gift. I hope she talked to her advisors and will be filing her 709s. Maybe that is the reason this item is blind!

  60. I'm guessing this was a younger couple getting married, which makes me think a younger actress and an actress that's done TV and movies..... Hilary Swank

  61. On the Susan Sarandon train.

  62. Amy Ryan was the first that popped into my head. She was nominated for an Oscar, she's done both TV and movies recently, she's definitely the age where her friends could be teachers and getting married, and Enty has all those 'Office' connections.

  63. Great story, good for her!

  64. I would like to pop Charlize Theron into the mix. She hasn't done a lot of television, but she's done some, and she seems like the type of person who would do a hugely nice thing like this.

  65. maybe felicity huffman from desperate housewives, she is oscar nominated actress.

    but my real guess is salma hayek, a nice sensitive lady, nominated for frida, producing ugly betty, guest starred in 30 rock & ugly betty, and besides her husband is a billionaire. what do u think?

  66. Holly Hunter came to mind for me. I think she is an Oscar winner/nominee (can't remember which).

  67. I'm going to say Anna Paquin as well. In The Piano, she plays a deaf/mute girl, which probably required her to meet with special ed. children and come in contact with that community.

  68. Maybe you should watch The Piano again, Lily.

    My guess is Holly or Hillary.

  69. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Toni Collette
