Friday, August 07, 2009

STFU Jada Pinkett Smith

In the latest issue of Good Housekeeping, Jada Pinkett Smith was interviewed. Take a guess at what the interview was about. Yep. Sex. How she and Will Smith have sex everywhere and how they takes risks and she can't believe how much they have sex.

"My husband and I always make time for sex! Always! No matter how busy we are. And if I told you the places! You would not even believe! It's crazy the risks that we take, but that's what keeps it so much fun."

Has there ever been an interview she has given where it has not led to talking about sex? I found this interview she did with Fox & Hound last year.

F&H - So do you have any dogs?
Jada - Oh Will and I have dogs and we take them out for walks at night and have sex on people's lawns.
F&H - What kind of dogs do you have?
Jada - Oh mostly mixed breeds. It's so funny when we are having sex in the bushes or on the porches of houses our dogs will kind of watch and stand guard.
F&H - Do you believe in canned or dry dog food?
Jada - Oh that reminds me last time Will and I went grocery shopping we had sex in an aisle at the supermarket. He just pushed me up against the Campbell's soup cans and we had great sex.
F&H - Do you recommend dogs for families?
Jada - What I recommend for families is two parents who have as much sex as I do with Will. We almost don't have time for our kids or dogs or jobs because we have so much sex.
F&H - Yes, well then I am glad you were able to find the time to speak to us on the phone for this interview.
Jada - Oh, it's no problem. I have been having sex with Will during this entire call.


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