I knew you would have no idea who Samantha Burke was which is why I added that little part about Jude Law. Otherwise you might not have come on inside to this post where you can learn things like the fact that Jude Law is just like us because he can't remember Samantha Burke either. Honestly Jude doesn't seem like the kind of guy who gets that much sex that he can't remember at least a vague fuzziness of the woman. I mean she did go over to his hotel room everyday for a week. You would think you would make some kind of impression after a week. Well, other than getting pregnant of course. I mean that is pretty much a lasting impression isn't it?
Anyway, E! decided to go ahead and get all tabloid-ish which I love and asked one of Samantha's friends some questions. Like an interview. Yeah that is what it was. If this is one of Samantha's friends then she is not getting many Christmas cards.
"She met him at a club in New York. He was sick, so she kept going to his hotel over the course of a week to take care of him."
OK, so that is not so bad to say about Samantha. What's next? Oh, this friend thinks Samantha is "crazy" for going through with the pregnancy and thinks it is all because Samantha wants to get rich and famous. Why does she say that? Remember these are her words and NOT mine. "Her family comes from a white trash town and doesn't have money." Her family is from Pensacola, but again let me say I love Pensacola, and since when does the fact that whether you are white trash or not or have any money determine whether you are a gold digger. Again, Samantha has wonderful friends.
Honesty out of a "friend"... who'd have thought?
ReplyDeletePersonally I think the friend nailed it - she hooked up with Jude Law, managed to get pregnant and now has him by the short and curlies.
Seriously, WHY would she go through with this pregnancy?
ReplyDeleteOh, never mind.
But how twisted. Then again, maybe Jude should just wear a freakin' condom. Or get those tubes snipped already.
Really tho, it surprises me that he's even straight. I get a gay vibe off him.
Even if her "friend" told the truth, it's a shitty thing to do. It doesn't give much to her reputation as a friend or a person. Forget being white trash, the "friend" is a catty, backstabbing bitch who is willing to sell out anyone for secrets.
ReplyDeletethis friend sucks.
ReplyDeleteThis is no friend and they may be jealous of the impending attention and money that Samantha will get (especially for PWT).
ReplyDeleteBirds of a feather...?
ReplyDeletei'd comment on pensacola...but i'm too busy being scared at her pear shape. it's like birthing hips to the nth degree. =O
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Pensacola love,Enty. We're not ALL trash. There is plenty of moola here, but most who have it don't feel the need to flaunt it.
ReplyDeleteNice, a whole city tainted with the "white trash" stigma because of one knocked up woman with lousy taste in friends.
ReplyDeleteI lived in Pcola for 7 years and loved it. It is a beautiful place with lots of great people. I'd say Hollyweird has more (documented) slutty and trashy behavior than any place I've ever heard of.
I'm surprised that he came out and admitted he was the father without wanting some sort of proof that he actually was...esp. if he "doesn't remember who she is."
ReplyDeleteblog hopper I agree. I didn't think it was possible to complete a DNA test before the baby was born.
ReplyDeleteThis "friend's" story doesn't add up.
I think there was a DNA test, but someone who knows for sure correct me if I'm remembering wrong.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that the friend got paid for her words - it's all about money for everyone involved.
what a shitty friend!
ReplyDeletemaybe the girl got knocked up by accident and wanted a baby,no shame in that. some people just dont beleive in abortion as well.
@bloghopper and notonmydollar
ReplyDeletei believe you can do dna testing through amniosenticis (sp?)when a woman is pregnant, although it is not recommended because it can hurt the baby.
You can test paternity prior to birth. There are possible side effects, so it's usually safer to wait until after the baby is born.
ReplyDeleteI believe this girl got pregnant on purpose. Probably punched a hole in the condom herself. Or if he was really sick, maybe he was too drugged up to know what he was doing. Normal people just don't hang around strangers hotel rooms unless they want something. If she's having sex with people she barely knows, she should be using two forms of birth control (condom and pill, spermicide, diaphragm, etc.) if she really doesn't want to get pregnant. This was planned.
I'll believe the "friend" if Jude complains which I doubt he'll do.
ReplyDeleteLady J I remember seeing it done on tv before but then I wondered why skeptical people like Eddie Murphy didn't insist on it for Mel B. He so hated that woman and the child they conceived.
Thanks for the clarification.
"Samantha has wonderful friends."
ReplyDeleteBirds of a feather...
She was having sex with a sick person? What moron does that?
ReplyDeleteSomething nice about Pensacola...hmmmm...OK:
ReplyDeleteOf the areas surrounding greater Mobile, Alabama, Pensacola, Florida is certainly among the least objectionable.
Something nicer: The excellent film "Ruby in Paradise," which is set in that area. Ashley Judd, Dorothy Lyman and Todd Field. May (still) only be available on VHS.
Hey, Nyquil will fuck anyone up. Besides "the taking care of a sick guy you've never met" reeks of desperation and crazy fan. Like she'd ever do that for a non-celebrity. Right.
ReplyDeletePensacola's white trash? I'm sure the thousands of military and their families who live there would love this twit to say that to their faces - including the Blue Angels pilots.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY, THANK YOU! People who bash places like Pensacola have obviously never been there. But hey, if it's not NYC or LA, it's shit to so many, right? I'm cool with that though, if it keeps those elitist assholes OUT. We like it the way it is, thanks.
Also, NOTHING infuriates me more than people insulting our military servicemen and women. You do NOT see that here in the FL panhandle, not with Eglin in Pensacola and Tyndall in Panama City, and that's the way I like it. People here are still proud to be Americans, love their country, and are proud to serve it. If that's white trash, then I'm proud to be white trash living in white trash ville.
One more thing...a bunch of you were saying in another thread that fat-bashing is the last acceptable form of discrimination, but that is incorrect. The REAL last form of acceptable prejudice is against so-called white trash/rednecks/hillbillies and Christians. Yet so many of you get offended when anyone else is bashed, so where is the outrage over this? I'm STILL waiting to see it....guess I'll be waiting a long time! It just makes people look like hypocrites when they whine over every other insult but never utter a peep over that. Nobody likes to be a hypocrite, right? Right?
who would go near him without protection? especially after he was with Sienna.