Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Robin Wright Penn Really Confuses Me

Apparently at some point in the past few months I must have fallen asleep and missed the day when Robin Wright Penn decided to not reconcile with Sean Penn. Did everyone else miss that as well? I think at this point we should review the time line. Sean Penn goes on vacation with the wife and kids and gets caught by his wife in a hotel room with a Russian hooker. Or was it two? Then you had Robin leaving him. They then reconciled. Then we have the Academy Awards where Sean totally blew off his wife in his acceptance speech and then after the show threw her under the biggest bus he could find. Then you have Sean filing for divorce and Robin goes on her merry way to Cannes and starts to live her life and then the two are back together.

But wait. According to the September issue of MORE Magazine, Robin and Sean never reconciled. Huh? Robin gave an interview to the magazine and the magazine says that she said that she wasn't going to reconcile with Sean. They don't have her quoted as saying that in the excerpt on their site though. What they do have her quoted as saying is, "I hit that crossroad a while ago. For Robin [she gestures toward herself], the ‘I know what I don’t want’ was flashing neon lights.” Still, she’s not bitter. “I have no regrets. I, we, have two amazing children we raised together.”

She also wants you to know that at least twice a week she pulls over to the side of the road to cry because one of her kids is about to go to college and the other isn't far behind. As for her career she says, “I think I’ve always been a follow-the-leader with my career, or maybe waiting for things to happen. Now I’m like, ‘I’m OK—I know the direction, whoever’s on board can go with me. I think I f*cked myself by not being strong enough. Waffling—you know, ‘Can I do this?’ I think that’s being young and finding out who you are, and all of a sudden, post-40, you just go, ‘I do know. I have the answer.’ There’s not as much questioning of my abilities.”

I think the whole waffling thing isn't confined to her career. I think the quote where she talks about her career is a more accurate representation of what is going on and has gone on in her life.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are still together or not together or are doing some kind of Tommy Lee and Pamela thing but without the diseases and the bad plastic surgery.


  1. At this point I believe they don't live together but at times have tried to work it out.

    Who knows if they'll ever get divorced and what it will take to get there.

  2. Sean Penn disease free? Hmmmm....

  3. Talk about "waffling," Brett Favre just joined the Vikings! We are all laughing our asses off here at work. Oh, Brett. Oh, Vikings.

  4. better late than never to figure that stuff out. i'm rooting for princess buttercup!

  5. Anonymous10:31 AM



    I just saw that on the news. Oh Brett..

    Who knows maybe she just reached her "enough" point.. maybe she is ready for a real life now.

  7. I know this is OT, but I just had to comment. This is a great community and I know that some of you will understand. Ok, the part of the interview where Robin says she pulls over at least twice a week to cry because one of her kids is going to college. Well that was me a year ago only I cried 3-4 days a week for 6 months. My son was a senior and had been accepted to an out of town college. I told my friend what was happening and she dismissed it with, "Oh that's just pre-menopause". Maybe yes, maybe no. All I know is that it was my heart cracking everytime I dropped him off at school. The good news is that I had no tears left by the time he graduated high-school and I only cried once when I dropped him off at his dorm on the first day of college. Don't flame too hard. Thanks.

  8. As her kids ease into college, Robin needs to just make herself numero uno for awhile. And dump the husband. And win an Oscar.

  9. And Braverwoman, I understand, I have a junior and freshman in high school, those days aren't far off for me. It's tough letting go!

  10. Robin, like most women, probably tried to keep the marriage together for the kids' sake. Now that they are just about out the door, she's most likely realizing that her days of obligation are over.

  11. Who knows if you can trust it but People.com say that Robin filed for divorce on the 12th. Shared custody over their minor son, they've already agreed on the division of all property, and Robin isn't seeking spousal support.

  12. I think she called the peen's bluff. He threatened to file, she said go ahead, he filed, and she didn't care. He's the one who looks bad -- the hookers, the oscar snub, Lindsey Yuckhan for crying out loud -- so he withdrew his petition. Probably thought it would make him look like a good person, working on his marriage. It doesn't.

  13. Thanks Momster. Feels weird putting myself out there like that, but this has got to be a common experience for all parents (esp. us moms). Also, my youngest son just started his senior year today! So, sometime early next spring, the tears will probably start again. The second time around has got to be easier right?

  14. braverwoman - I was so upset and stressed out, and I lost a tun of hair when I thought about my son moving away. I think most parents just don't talk openly about what they're feeling.

  15. Hugs Braverwoman. My oldest is a freshman this year.. I am already weepy :('

  16. Thanks JoElla and Captiva - I knew CDAN folks would understand. Group hug. :)

  17. Haven't seen much of Sean lately - do we think he's still in rehab after dropping those two movie projects?

  18. Come on Princess Buttercup! Get your shit together!

  19. She is certainly good enough for an Oscar nom.

  20. wasn't there a blind item about a star going through rehab when they used other reasons? could this be it?

  21. Princess Buttercup needs a 12 step program to quit that Asshat. With all he's put her through, it's a wonder she hasn't driven over him with her car a few times.

  22. It's a shame, she was a good actress, once she hooked up with Sean it seemed like she put her career on the back burner. Maybe she'll pull a Nicole Kidman after she divorces Sean and turn her career around...

  23. I agree that she's been devoting her time to raising her kids. Now that this is almost done, she can concentrate on her career. With her chops, there are plenty of people who'd hire her. She just needs to feel comfortable enough to take the step to commit.

  24. Here's my theory .. even though Sean is a pig .. she never actually had anything to nail his ass with in Family Court. So .. rewind - so to speak - she gets video evidence and the game is back on.

    To Braverwoman and Captivagirl.. I don't have kids .. so I really can't relate in that way .. but I think I would be the same way as you. Glad you got through that year and are going better.

    To JoElla .. big hug to you. It must be painful when your children start to transition into adults. Know there are folks out here would are thinkin' of you .. hoping your pain lessens and this year will pass quick for you!

    Another big hug to you all .. and anyone else out there looking at a loss. Having a big part of your life suddenly gone (in my case) or far away is a heck of a wallop to the heart.

  25. Braverwoman: No one would flame you for that! However, with three kids under the age of six, your position looks pretty good to me!

    The grass is always greener. *sigh*

  26. mooshki, I am still laughing too at poor Brett, he just don't get it... Poor Vikings, bad choice dudes. As far as Robin, I like her she was great in Message In A bottle with Kevin Cosner.

  27. Braverwoman, I have 2 sons the oldest is going to graduate from highschool this year and my younger son will be in 11th grade. where do the days and years go? Already feeling sad about them being so close to leaving their highschool years behind them.
    OMG wait till it's college time. I really feel for you. But you know it will all work out and eventually you will get used to it. I keep thinking I may feel this way now but the time isn't far from now that they will become successful men with good paying jobs! Then will come the marriages and grandchildren. So yeah I am feeling abit nostalgic, but looking a little into the future, yeah it'll all be good!

  28. Sean Penn sux as an actor in my opinion. Robin is much better, watch Message In A Bottle. Probably irks the hell out of him that she's so much better, hehe
    And I didn't bother to watch the movie Milk.....
