Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reggie Miller Fights Back

I guess when the entire world thinks you are hitting on married women and you feel you are being wronged you do what any other person would do in that situation. You call TMZ. Reggie Miller did just that yesterday and explained his side of the story in regards to the Ali Kay flirting. His story isn't really any different from what I posted yesterday. The only significant difference is that Reggie says Ali texted him two photos in that first day of texting which are shown above. Reggie also said he was the noble guy in all of this and decided to end things with Ali. It was after he stopped contacting her that she made the next move and wanted to know why Reggie had stopped texting her. Alex von Furstenberg then went crazy and he and Reggie got lawyers.

This kind of thing happens every day in every city in the world. The only thing that makes this worth even writing about is the message being dragged through the air over the beaches. I do think that if and when Alex and Ali decide to finally get married that it probably won't last very long at all.


  1. OK, I know this is wrong. But, if I were Reggie and Alex tried to publicly embarrass me...I'd be sure to fuck his fiance, just for spite.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Love is blind LOL. That guy in the picture sure is no pretty boy hahaha.

  3. Remember that she broke up Alex's first marriage. Amoral skank.

  4. Alex Von Furstenberg is an idiot, he was married to Alex Miller and cheated all over town on her, so turnaround is fair play.

  5. People, stop taking scandalous pictures of yourselves and sending them out via the internet, well, unless you WANT them seen by your Momma and everybody else.

    I miss the old Polaroid camera days....

  6. Just taking a guess here but if that plane was hired by those 2, she's either really arrogant,stupid or has horrible memory loss if she thought he wouldn't share those pictures.

    Choose your battles, dumbass. Now everyone who didn't know (I didn't) your own history of hitting on married people know more about you than they care to.

  7. This was a juicy one, thanks!

  8. I stand by my initial assessment:

    Reggie-looks like a bald troll with billy-bob teeth

    Ali-dumb star-fucker

    Alex-karma's a bitch

  9. Is it just me, or is Ali Kay fugly? Really.

  10. The Karma Goddess had a field day with these people.

  11. yeah, what katie said!

  12. never heard of any of these people, lol. they sure love drama.

  13. Hope Alex gets a prenup. Or dumps her before. Let Reggie have her.
