Friday, August 07, 2009

Put Some Shoes On Your Baby Or We Will All Die

Apparently a manager at a Burger King store takes his job a little too seriously. Everyone has seen those no shoes, no shirt, no service signs but has anyone actually seen them be enforced? Even if you have seen them enforced do they apply to a six month old baby? Well, yesterday a woman in St. Louis decided to stop into her local Burger King and had her six month old baby with her. The manager took one look at the baby and said because the baby wasn't wearing shoes that it would be a health violation for the baby to stay in the restaurant. The manager didn't indicate how many people would die from obesity after eating a diet of Burger King.

The manager was willing to sell the woman some food but she would have to get it to go. Well, the problem was that Jennifer Frederich who is the mom of the baby was with a group of friends who were headed to a concert. She didn't want to eat outside by herself and so she came up with a solution. She put socks on the feet of the baby. Not good enough for the manager of the restaurant. Even when Jennifer said the baby didn't even own any shoes, the manager wouldn't budge. When he threatened to call the police everyone left the restaurant.

Burger King didn't have any comment except to say they have a new dollar menu that tastes like shoes but you still have to wear shoes to enjoy it. Or go through the drive-thru.


  1. Why was the woman taking a 6-month-old baby to a concert?

  2. Perhaps it was a Raffi concert? Anyway, the manager is a FOOL! And Burger King might want to aim a little higher when they hire people for management positions. I understand the point of the whole 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' but at some point common sense must prevail.

  3. I heard the lady say something like "It was nice for Burger King to apologize...I hope no one gets fired over this." That was cool of her. I would've been pissed.

  4. Why would you bring a 6 month old baby to a fast food restaurant? Once I got over that stumbling block, my next thought was, the manager is a f-ing idiot. Infants don't wear shoes!

  5. If the manager is that bad with a paying customer can you imagine what he's like to work for?

    If I was her friend I'd have asked for my money back and told the mommy let's go to Mickey Dees, Taco Bell, etc...

  6. eeek!

    well...they have sucky fries anyway, so i hope they went on down the road to wendy's or something.

  7. Perhaps Burger King is endorsing this freak show?

  8. Good lord. Sounds like a power-tripper along the lines of the BA guy who wouldn't let Joel Madden on a flight because of his tattoos. Get over yourself, people.

  9. good grief, just wow, really? socks were a good compromise, what infant wears shoes?

  10. i had the same idea and i agree with you RocketQueen

  11. lol that's weird.

  12. Anyone who still has a job in Sunset Hills (St. Louis) is glad to have it. i wonder if he still has a job after all of this bad press?

  13. I read on another site that they were headed to a concert with their church youth group, so I guess the baby could go to a concert like that.

    My pediatrician told me NOT to put shoes on my son until he could walk. We only put socks on him until then.

  14. this reminds me of the girl in Toronto who got fired from her job at Tim Horton's for giving a crying baby a Timbit (a donut hole for those who don't know the term)

    yes, a piece of a donut that gets thrown away with thousands of others at the end of the day.

    geez buddy. remove head from sphincter and get some perspective.

  15. Never ever eating a BK again.

  16. the bones in their feet are still forming at that age--you never put shoes on a baby until they are walking.

  17. Guys, speaking as someone who worked in a BK years ago, usually a manager at a BK is young - barely older than their employees - and doesn't have children. He/She might not have known that a baby can't wear shoes, and is only following the rules set down by the State Health Department.

    Cut the guy a little slack. I hardly think the person should be fired for it.

  18. That's insane. Babies don't (shouldn't) wear shoes! I bet he's a brand new manager there or he would have run into this before.

  19. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I have a three month old and it's enough of a struggle to get socks on. What a prick.

  20. Good grief, anyone who's seen an infant out in public knows that shoes come off very quickly...and often are used as projectiles! Get a grip, guy!

  21. Hahaha. What a dick.

    However, I wish he worked in one of the McDonald's in town the day I saw 3 kids under the age of 6 (siblings) walking in very dirty bare feet on a very dirty floor. Baby was in a high chair, with very dirty feet too, lol. Neither the floor nor the feet were appetite-inducing.

    I have this thing about kids with dirty hands, faces, and feet. Probably because I can't stand it on myself.

  22. warmislandsun: LOL what do you mean why is a baby at a fast food restaurant? I doubt it was eating! At six months, hopefully the baby is going most places with its mother and she can eat fast food if she feels like it.

  23. Hi libby, this is libby. I have been here for quite a while. (My photo was the first reader photo.) Please let me keep my name here.

    Are you the 'libby' from Blind Gossip? I post there as 'another libby.'

  24. What is your problem warmislandsun for criticizing a baby being at a BK? I guess when my son was 6 months and my daughter was 4, I had no right to bring the baby along when my 4yo got a Happy Meal at McDonalds and then played in the play area!

  25. You have to work in the customer service business to get. Clearly, none of you do. I do. I've had to deal with the state Health Board commission who's fining EVERYONE for EVERYTHING left and right. They're trying to generate money from businesses by excessivly fining people for fine print rules that they've never bothered with before. My business was fined for trash around our premises because some genius dumped their COUCH in front of my dumpster. I'm sorry, but if I were the manager I would have done the same thing. It beats paying hundreds of dollars in fines for some dumb infraction no one cared about before the states ran out of cash.

  26. Fidling with baby shoes! Is it some publicity stunts? I don't blame strategy but there is something behind! Anyways baby without baby shoes is rude thinking.
