Phillip Garrido Says We Should Be Impressed By His Kidnapping And Rape
When I first read about this Phillip Garrido and how he and his wife kidnapped Jaycee Duggard 18 years ago, the first thing I thought of was that guy in Austria who did the same thing and was caught last year. The next thing I thought about was how many other kids are kidnapped each year and are in this exact situation that we don't know about because we think they are dead even if no body has been found. For 18 years Jaycee's step dad had been a suspect in her disappearance but was never arrested. How many times would police have made that arrest though and been wrong?
I find it so hard to believe that a man can keep someone under lock and key for 18 years and no one notice. That he can have two kids with the girl he kidnapped and that no one notices the two kids. Do we just not care what goes on around us with out neighbors? These people were not far from other neighbors. They were right next door and saw the girls but didn't think anything of it. How can you as a woman stand by and watch your husband do this for 18 years and do nothing? Oh, and she did do nothing because Mr. Kidnapper went to jail at some point for pot and was released in 1999 which means the wife was the one in charge for awhile.
Somehow Sacramento television station KCRA got this a hole on the phone from jail and asked him some questions about what happened. Get a load of this quote. "I tell you here's the story of what took place at this house and you're going to be absolutely impressed. It's a disgusting thing that took place from the end to the beginning. But I turned my life completely around." We are going to be impressed? By what? I think he wants us to be impressed that he is a better person now than he was when he kidnapped Jaycee. Sure her life was a disaster, but he turned his life around so we should be impressed.