Monday, August 10, 2009

Miley Cyrus Wants The Attention Focused On Her Again

Apparently having the world focus on Vanessa Hudgens and her latest picture drama rubbed Miley Cyrus the wrong way. What better way to get back in the minds of perverts and to be a role model for young teen girls than to barely wear any clothes and writhe around on a stripper pole. It was bad enough that last week her like 6 or 7 year old sister was photographed holding on to a stripper pole but I guess Miley's parents have no idea how to market Miley except as a sex object. All of those things they said last year about how they didn't know Miley would be posing almost nude in Vanity Fair and wouldn't have allowed it if they knew just really come off hollow and empty.
I don't care if she is 16 and has a career as a stripper in front of her. Right now she has chosen to be on her Disney show for another season and with that whether she likes it or not is a responsibility to kids who watch her and idolize her and then see her on a stripper pole and think it is normal behavior. At what point did we decide that it was ok to put a 16 year old girl on a stripper pole and say that is normal behavior?

When Miley walked the red carpet she wore a mini skirt in which there was no real way she could sit down. She then changed into a dress that was worn on the runway in Paris earlier this year and was held in place by tape on the breasts. In between she did her stripper pole number. The stripper pole is on top of a box which says Miley's ice cream. Seriously?

The only thing that was missing was Billy Ray getting a lap dance while sitting next to Brooke Hogan riding her father. Maybe I am just old and cranky and not seeing the artistic merit or maybe this is what 16 year old girls aspire to now. Maybe this Christmas Toys R Us and Wal-Mart will be selling stripper poles with Barbie on them. Everything is included. Stripper pole, strobe light and a bunch of fake dollar bills for the male customers who come over and watch.


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