Thursday, August 20, 2009

Make Kourtney Kardashian An Offer - She Will Get Naked

Kourtney Kardashian is going to ride this pregnancy for every last ounce of publicity. In a recent interview she was asked whether she would be posing for photos naked while she was pregnant. Her reply? "I think so." Her first choice is Rolling Stone which of course seems like an obvious choice because of her long and storied music career. Oh, wait. OK, not music then, but how about her long and storied entertainment career as a top television or movie star? Oh, wait not that either. Hmmm. What to do? Well apparently even if Rolling Stone doesn't come knocking, she is still willing to take it all off.

I'm sure she would just be doing it for the artistic value. Right? That is the way she would probably explain it to her baby. I think she should just wait until after the baby is born. I mean Demi and Britney have already done the whole get naked while pregnant thing but I don't ever recall a mom and her baby posing naked together before for a magazine. Now that would probably bring in the big dollars from top quality publications like Penny Saver.


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