Friday, August 28, 2009

Lindsay Lohan "Loses" $2M In Jewels

When I related this story to someone yesterday they said, "Why in the f**k do people give her stuff?" That's a good question. Why do jewelers give Lindsay Lohan anything to wear or use? It isn't like she is ever asked where an item came from. The only thing Lindsay is ever asked is whether it will be cash or credit for her drugs.

No one cares about her jewels or who she is wearing or any of that. For as much shopping as she does on a daily basis she looks homeless. I think she sells most of what she buys to pay her "expenses", but likes to feel important and so shops on a regular basis. To supplement her income she looks for other ways to raise cash.

Radar Online is reporting that XIV Karats have the most stupid employees on the planet. Despite the fact that the entire world knows not to leave a dime within the sight of Lindsay Lohan or it will vanish, they decided to go ahead and loan her $2M worth of jewels about two months ago. Of course they haven't seen them since.

When they asked for them back, Lindsay said they were stolen from her safe. Umm, when? They asked her for them back prior to this most recent break in. And, if you will recall, the break in before this one last week, nothing was stolen.

So, Michael Lohan who must have loaned his daughter some money because she is talking to him jumped in to the fray and said, "Lindsay didn't take anything from them. They lent her jewelry and she has to give it back to them. That's all I know. She has no intention of keeping any of it. So I guess they're sorting it out."

Umm, Lindsay said she didn't have it and Michael says she does. Interesting. The store just wants its jewels back. I can't believe they really expected to get them back. No other person in LA would ever give Lindsay jewels like that and they gave her $2M. They deserve to lose them for being such idiots.

Oh, and Elle Magazine? Are you still convinced Lindsay had nothing to do with the jewels that went missing on Lindsay's photo shoot?


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