Let Me Ask You A Question - Would You Date Him?
I am curious at what point you would say no to dating the fine specimen in the photo above.
#1 - He is 24.
#2 - He has no job.
#3 - He gets $65 a week in welfare.
#4 - He lives at home.
#5 - He had a child at 17 with a woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#6 - He had a child at 18 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#7 - He had a child at 19 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#8 - He had a child at 20 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#9 - He had a child at 21 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#10-He had a child at 22 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
#11-He had a child at 23 with a different woman he later abandoned. He doesn't see the child.
The woman above is his new girlfriend and they are trying to have a baby right now. She thinks he has changed. When the Daily Mail asked her what kind of father her boyfriend is, she said, 'Some people say he's a bad dad - and, as he doesn't see his children, for all I know he might be,' she said yesterday. 'But I think he'd be brilliant with our child.'
She has stopped using condoms in an effort to get pregnant. The loser's children are currently costing the UK about $100K a year.