Friday, August 07, 2009

Lady Gaga Admits She Is A Hermaphrodite

Because of the video below, Lady Gaga was forced to come out as a hermaphrodite. The spot in the video which necessitated this is at the 1:10 mark.

"It’s not something that I’m ashamed of, just isn’t something that I go around telling everyone. Yes. I have both male and female genitalia, but I consider myself a female. It’s just a little bit of a penis and really doesn’t interfere much with my life. The reason I haven’t talked about it is that it’s not a big deal to me. Like come on. It’s not like we all go around talking about our vags. I think this is a great opportunity to make other multiple gendered people feel more comfortable with their bodies. I’m sexy, I’m hot. I have both a poon and a peener. Big f*cking deal."

I don't think she should be ashamed at all. It isn't like I am judging her music based on what she has between her legs. I personally don't care if she is man or woman or a little bit of both. She considers herself a woman and so I will think of her that way. Hopefully by coming out she will help others who are in a similar situation and make them feel more comfortable about themselves.


warmislandsun said...

Wow, I had no clue.

jlb said...

Huh. Now that is something you don't hear about every day. Good on her for being comfortable in who she is.

ItsJustMe said...

She’s like Hedwig … I have to say, I do admire her for being so honest about it. It’s not just a black and white situation; there are many intersexed people in this world.

Pookie said...

oh please. this reeks of pr stunt.

Unknown said...

is this true???

SkittleKitty said...

OK--a little odd--I read elsewhere that she was supposedly the performer from the Glastonbury Festivsl (is this vid from it?) that who wore the same underpants for the entire 3-day festival.

Guess not.

McDooks said...

I hope she sincerely feels the way she said she does. Good for her if so.

Anonymous said...

I can understand an adult in 1850 having both sets of genitalia, but haven't they been doing surgery to correct this for quite a few years, and usually shortly after birth?

CDAN Mod said...

yep, it's plain to see.

Sheyna said...

Syko, from what I understand its not really cool to pick an intersexed kid's sex at birth anymore and force them to live with your decision for the rest of their lives.

CDAN Mod said...


some parents do not want to make a decision at their child's birth to correct this. many are now starting to allow their child to decide when they are older.

Jen said...

and here i thought hermaphrodites were up there with unicorns and

Unknown said...

"Hopefully by coming out she will help others who are in a similar situation and make them feel more comfortable about themselves. " ... I sincerely hope so, but zealots will be zealots, and some might take it upon themselves to make her a pariah...

Syko, most developed countries have stopped doing this right after birth, as some hermaphrodites have blamed their parents for choosing the wrong sex for them.

MontanaMarriott said...

Maybe this will help Jamie Lee Curtis come out as well.

CDAN Mod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David D. said...

I think it's quite brave of her to tell this to the press. I don't think her fan base would have any problem with it, but I'm sure some others will, and will probably be vocal about it.

CDAN Mod said...

now we all know how hollyweird is, so when her fifteen minutes are up, will she be approached to go out on 'paid dates'? just a question.

JagerLilly808 said...

Huh, wow. Very interesting. I'll be watching this story for a while. I hope it doesn't get badly for her. There are a lot of sick people out there that could try to crucify her.

clatie said...

Um, I think I have to call shenanigans.  She has been
running around the world in underpants for quite
a while.  

jagerlilly said...

Forgive the pun, but I couldn't help new meaning to her song "Poker Face".... Seriously though, good for her. I hope the publicity machine spins this one the right way and can help people in the same situation.

Anonymous said...

And I genuinely didn't like her until now. Instead of just being some slutty version of Katy Perry, she's now MUCH more interesting and by god, I DO like her! Had she come out with this at the beginning, I would've been buying her music instead of satisfying myself with 30 second clips on itunes. Now, I'm buying it. Bless this girl for having the audacity to be different and telling the world to f**k off if they don't like it! She's done more for promoting a positive body image than I think anyone else ever has. Go GAGA!

mooshki said...

If it's true, good for her for being open about it, but I still can't stand her for so many other reasons.

CDAN Mod said...

if people do give her a hard time, she can always ask them how many genitals were they born with. she nor does anyone asks for this.

ZsaZsaDarling said...

I don't think this is true. I remember this "statement" coming out a while ago and Lady Gaga or her camp denied it. I can't really see a you-know-what in the video. But then again, what do I know...I am going to have to call false on this one though.

Caroline said...

Real or PR stunt? That quote has not been attributed to any mainstream pub, and like ZsaZsa said was denied by her camp. My vote is on PR stunt. She strikes me as the type to do something like this as some sort of sociological art project.

Seachica said...

zsazsa, how can you miss it? I think there's enough there to qualify for full frontal friday!

Kat said...

I just don't believe her. She'll say anything to piss people off or to get herself press. I take no issue with hermaphrodites at all, I just think Gaga is full of crap. Nearly every interview she does she pushes the limits, just like she does with her fashion.

RocketQueen said...

This is a condition that is a lot more common than people realize. If she's admitting it, that's awesome.

ZsaZsaDarling said...

Valerie, I don't have my glasses on, I will watch the clip again when I get home :) LOL.

Anonymous said...

I realize I'm probably in the minority here, but I like Lady Gaga a lot; I think it's commendable and awesome that she's rightfully unashamed of who she is. No one should ever be ashamed of being who they are, and shit on anyone who wants to hate for something as trivial as such.

jbeebs said...

I'm calling bs on this.I've seen her in interviews and she is very tongue-in-cheek,in character. But whatever-I could careless less either way
In other words what Kat said ^^

Anonymous said...

I was in her acting studio at NYU and stood three feet away from her on many an occasion while she wore tight spandex. Neither I nor anyone else in the studio ever noticed a funny bump on her crotch. Also, for the record, her entire act--from her personality to her hair color--is a big PR stunt. She was NOTHING like that in college. Just saying.

Shenanigans officially called.

Lolita Breckenridge said...

I love her, and I love her more for coming out with the news.

And you know what? I don't think it's a PR stunt. Who would say hermaphrodite for PR? Well, okay, Gaga would but still. Good for her.

hromaki said...

Michael K said the quote was released last year and now has renewed attention because of the video. It just seems to me that she's trying to perpetuate the mystery ... more talk, more interest, more $$$$.

Plus, she calls it a little penis, and while it's not Ron Jeremy size, it's more than what I'd call little.

It reeks of a PR stunt to me.

Anonymous said...

Since it's not a close up can't tell if it's real or not. It looked kind of weird. This is the first time I read that she might be both sexes but who knows since she loves publicity.

PotPourri said...

They have and should never choose a child's gender. They should let the child choose it. But most of these children ARE raised as women. They turn out to be much more feminine than masculine. She just happens to have both sex genetalia.

whole lotto luv said...

Regardless of her gender, I still think she's pretentious, unattractive, and only marginally talented. I'm not gonna suddenly give her props for being born with a physiological anomaly. She's still a fame whore.

If it's true, I don't care. If it's not true, I don't think it's anything that will hurt Gaga, since she seems to thrive on controversy. But by controversy, I mean the "is she/isn't she" mystery. It's not controversial for someone to be born of mixed gender, as it's not something they did.

ballyhoo. said...

I'm really torn on this one.

On one hand, you would think if she were a hermaphrodite and didn't want people to know, then maybe she would be more careful about wearing underwear when wearing a miniskirt and dismounting a motorcycle.

On the other hand, if you watch until around the 1:47 mark, she walks up to the guitarist while babbling about something. She looks really uncomfortable as she checks herself and then leans against the guitarist.

I've just lost the last five minutes of my life thinking way too much about Lady Gaga, so my final decision is: Who knows, who cares?

rachelstargirlrox said...

If you pause the video at 1:14, you can see something funky. I'm not exactly sure of what it is, but it's definitely something out of the ordinary.
Then again, it could all be a huge publicity stunt.
I wouldn't put it past her.

Wil said...

Drag kings could solve this dilemma for ya, guys.

There are very tiny strap-ons out there. I would not put it past Gaga to start a hoax using one. She is a bit of an attention seeker .. ya .. that's the word! .. after all. And this is .. what? .. the second time this story is circulating in less than a year? Pretty smart cookie. ; )

merrick said...

She is the "Madonna" of the Twatter generation!

whole lotto luv said...

Maybe it's just a bulky Kotex.

ItsJustMe said...

Josh - I totally see what you're saying.

Kimberley said...

Thanks Josh. I figured as much. Always good to have an inside scoop!

farmgirl said...

My sister worked Glastonbury backstage. She said Gaga was awful - can't sing in person and was a total asshole to everyone.
Now whether she has a dick, I don't know.
If you were dressing and acting all female, but had a dick would you go commando under a teeny dress onstage when you have a cameraman below you while sitting on a scooter?? You can't tell me that that routine was improvised ...

I talked myself into calling bullshit.

Fish said...

Celebitchy posted a story calling total made up on this quote. This is some seriously made up crap and that quote has reeked since the first time I read it, I'm just surprised how few other people were suspicious. I mean, yay for intersex awareness, but come on.

Jaiden_S said...

Hasn't she been running around in undies for months? Why haven't we seen the peen before now? I can't recall even a hint of a bulge. Smells like a PR stunt to me.

Sinjin said...

Big lol @ Jen's comment.


Whole_lotta_luv wrote: Regardless of her gender, I still think she's pretentious, unattractive, and only marginally talented. I'm not gonna suddenly give her props for being born with a physiological anomaly. She's still a fame whore.

Sylvan Ramble said...

I also vote for PR stunt. I feel like she mentioned her lack of panties to get people to look at her private area. She also did not completely pull down her dress before she came out from behind the motorcycle. It looked deliberate. She's a good singer so I don't know why she feels the need to resort to this type of stunt.

ahdaboom said...

why is whatever she has hanging out? eww. cover up the plumbing in public please!

Unknown said...

Nobody has been able to find the original source for that quote, Gaga has said nothing but she's getting a massive burst of publicity so that's good for her.

I know someone who works in a hospital with families with children affected with all types of genetic disorders. I was told they want have only one sex organ on children or they don't adjust well, the parents are told which sex organs are more prevalent, ie. uterus, ovaries, or gonads etc. The sex of the child is made within days usually before the child goes home from the hospital. A birth certificate requires a sex of the child, so decisions have to be made.

Operations that can be done right away are done and later plastic surgeries are performed for cosmetic reasons.

Maja With a J said...

I wholeheartedly second whole_lotto_luv's statement.

allthesun said...

My Pug was a hermaphrodite, her surgery cost a small fortune. She had a vagina, penis, two ovaries and two testes. She was quite an asshole for a while, I just figured it was the hormones. She tries to hump people..she pees like a boy dog. She is a hot mess. I love her.

Sporky said...

So...this is for real?? Wow!

Lissa THEEE Pissa said...


I love pugs! I've had 3, and they were all hot messes...

hamsyarafyk said...

when was it tht she said tht?? i didnt notice

dejabieber_x3 said...

She mumbles.. Ooo I dont think I have any panties on under here,

dejabieber_x3 said...

She mumbles.. Ooo I dont think I have any panties on under here,

CaChelle_BBy said...

ok so what if she does have both. whats the big deal. thats how she was born if she doesnt make a big deal about it why does everybody else? thats who she is. just give it up already if its true then its true and if it isnt then its not true she doesnt talk about it bcuz it doesnt interfere with her life. LADY GAGA is still LADY GAGA. her music is the same and so is she. LEAVE IT ALONE.

brandonlee0134 said...

Well... cool. right on. i'm proud of her.

Alanna82 said...

Until I see a video where she is making that statement, I refuse to believe it. Any old tabloid can pretty much make up what they want. Besides, GaGa has been doing nude photos for different magazines and there has NEVER been any leaked stories from them stating they saw her with a penis. Get real guys. If you belive this crap, you're just another naive tabloid junkie.


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