Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kirsten Dunst Still Hitting The Booze

Since Kirsten Dunst went to rehab early last year she has been doing pretty good. I define pretty good as staying the hell out of the pap lenses making a fool out of yourself. She has done that. There have been some slips and Radar and The National Enquirer (same company) are both reporting that Kirsten was slamming double vodkas down at The Roosevelt Hotel while she was celebrating her brother's birthday.

Here is my take on this. I think Kirsten went to rehab for something far more serious than booze. She was an effed up mess before she went to rehab and since then has been normal and has looked healthy. If booze is not what she had a problem with and it is not her trigger for whatever else she might have been taking, then is it ok for her to booze it up?

If you will remember, right before she went to rehab you never saw her sober, and she always looked skinny and not healthy and was basically partying non stop 24/7 (see photo above).

I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. She has been caught drinking before since leaving rehab and she hasn't gone off the deep end.


  1. for some reason, i like her. wish her the best.

  2. I like her, too, not sure why. I guess it's because she keeps a semi-low profile unlike media whore Lohan. Wish her the best but agree...I don't think booze is her DoC.

  3. What the experts say is that using other drugs than your drug of choice sets the addict up to go back to his/her DOC--that their defenses are lowered, and their denial kicks in (I can drink beer, so it's ok to drink vodka; I can drink vodka, so it's ok to smoke pot; I can smoke pot, so it's ok to do a little heroin).

    Don't know if I entirely agree, but if I were an addict, I don't know if I'd chance it. But Enty's right--at least she's not showing up weighing 50 pounds, pounding on her ex's door at 2 in the morning.

  4. Everytime I see Kirsten I have to think of the interview she once gave a German tv broadcaster at the German premiere of 'Spiderman'. They asked her something along the lines of what she would be doing if she was a superhero and she said: 'Kill George Bush' and then laughed hysterically.

  5. no. if you're a drug addict, you don't drink after rehab. if you're a drunk, you don't use drugs. it's just another addiction.
    i cut her no slack even if booze wasn't her demon. it sure could become her demon now.
    anyone who's been to rehab will tell you that----it's about being CLEAN. it's not about using a different substance, which can and most likely will become your 'trigger' to go back to your addiction of choice.

  6. Nancer is correct. Take away one addiction and you have to make sure you don't replace it with another. (Alcoholics, for example, have to even be careful to not become gambling addicts.) I used to work for a large non-profit drug rehab organization and I remember that was always a focus in the client recovery programs, though it can be such a slippery slope. You can see why so many addicts relapse or find a new addiction to fill the void of the old.

  7. She looks so nasty in those photos before rehab. I have a hard time reconciling that with when she portrayed Marie Antoinette.

  8. Gyahhh, those sunglasses and straggly hair. I know that's mean but c'mon! Get a new look, for cryin' out loud.

  9. i really want to tell her that wash and blow out would do wonders for her.

  10. Sad. I hope she can turn her life around.

  11. Boy did she lose her looks. Yikes.

  12. Forgive the outdating 'name' i'm under.

    I have to disagree. While I don't think she should be imbibing in this first couple of years after rehab, i am someone who went as a 19 year old and was successfully able to kick my own powder habit. I drink and smoke pot now and again (as a 30 year old)and will not ever put something up my nose again.

    It still goes down to if you really want to quit, you will. Meetings don't necessarily work. For me, I really just had to grow out of a self-destructive stage and grow my self confidence.

    I personally think she'll be fine, but I'm not in Hollywood....I just wish I knew the backstory on the rest of his article. I thought it was just booze...can someone explain?

  13. We don't get to decide if she can drink. This isn't a democracy, it's a cheerocracy.

  14. She was just a dumb kid partying all the time, not necessarily an addict. As a public figure, going to rehab cleans up one's image just as much as it cleans up one's lifestyle.
    I ate next to her at a restaurant and she had a margarita, and everything was normal. I think she is probably normal in general, like most of the girls my age and her age.

  15. Thank you Jerry for the Bring it On reference. I still have girl-on-girl lustings for Eliza Dushku ever since that movie. Enty, more Dushku?

  16. I can't stand this bitch. She goes to rehab & lies about it being for "Depression" which insults us depressed people everywhere. She's a holy mess...way too much money & not enough talent. The morals of an alley cat. She freaking ruins every movie she's ever been in.

  17. "Hey everybody, look at the book I'm reading! It's got a smart-sounding title, and Carl Sagan is like, a totally well-known smart guy or something, so if I hold this book up, people will think I'M smart! Look at me, me, ME!!"

    Jesus, I hate this bitch. Pseudo-intellectuals are the worst, and this grotesque little goblin is one of their poster children. I wish the Secret Service would have taken her into custody for a threat against the President for that "I'd kill Bush" comment. Unbelievable. "I hate President Bush because everyone else hates him! Am I cool yet?". It's just pathetic. Too bad they didn't send her ass to Gitmo, at least she'd get a bath if they waterboarded her nasty ass, LOL!

    And so what if she's drinking? Let her kill herself, it's not like anything of value would be lost, so I say, drink up baby!

  18. Big sur - I am with you here. For some people its more about dealing with a self-destructive behavior than it is having an actual physical dependency that can be replaced by another one.
