Thursday, August 06, 2009

Kevin McFederline To Get $2.5M For Going On A Diet

Kevin Federline is quite possibly the luckiest person I have ever seen. I know there are a few people in the world who have won the lottery more than once and so they are right up there in status to Kevin, but he has won the lottery repeatedly.

How many people do you know that get paid hundreds of thousands dollars to baby sit their own kids? Oh, and still get paid child and spousal support while you are doing it? Oh, and get to travel the world in a private jet for free while doing it. Oh, and not have a job for the past five years.

To show the world that he is not finished winning the lottery, Kevin not only landed a reality show which is going to pay him millions, but also now a supplement company has offered Kevin $2.5 million to use their new supplements and lose weight. So, let me get this straight. This company is going to pay a guy more money in one year than most families earn for their entire careers and just to take their pills. The name of the company is EP-2. If you are a shareholder you need to run away very quickly. I think they could have paid Kevin $10,000 and a lifetime supply of Marlboro Lights.

So, any of you out there who are looking to make a buck, go ahead and get a singer pregnant and you will become rich and famous. If she could somehow have 8 kids I'm pretty sure TLC is looking for someone.


  1. Fat bastard. He just pisses me off.

    Where's my lotto winnings? If only I had a peen and could produce sperm...

  2. I still hate Kate Gosselin a million times more than this loser.

  3. He really fell into it, didn't he. Lucky bastard.

    Too bad all that money still can't buy good looks, body, personality and some damn pride.

  4. Weight loss supplement company knocking at his door for endorsement - you totally called it, Enty!

  5. i think he gained all the weight on purpose and had this planned all along. he has been seen out and about, growing larger by the day, with a s**t eating grin on him every time.

  6. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I think he gained the weight from having to undergo regular drug testing. Coke's a great diet aid. Plus, he's not exactly busy or anything.

  7. Seriously, enough with the Gosselin shit. You're really stretching it here.

    I think Brooklyn is right, the gain was intentional but he's trading his health for what will amount to chump change (in Britney's world) after taxes, agents, and attorneys are paid.


  8. that is just....incredible...O_O

  9. I just hope those pills don't damage his organs

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm not mad at him....

  12. Am I the only one who thinks he just stuffed a pillow under his t-shirt? It sure looks like it to me! His face and limbs look unchanged, so maybe he and this weight loss company have been planning this for quite some time now.

  13. Anonymous11:54 AM

    And I so liked the sound of calling him Well-Fed.

  14. So he's hit the jackpot -- jealous??

  15. one word---


  16. I'm as fat as him and I'd do it for 1/10th the fee. Hell, 1/50th.

    How the hell did he land a hot body like his current GF? Those beach volleyball girls put Britney to shame when it comes to fitness. She can't be happy with that flabby body of his.

  17. I thought we had him on baby bump watch for awhile.

  18. Katt Williams said he follows the Pimp Manual line by line, word by word!

  19. haha, this just cracks me up! America.

    I thought the same thing, @Brooklyn, but then again, I doubt he has the brains for such long term planning.

  20. This chump was born under a lucky star. He planned the weight gain.

    Hope K-Fed has a STRONG heart. Rapid neart beat, palpitations, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke are some things assoc. with this crap.

    Hell, Hydroxycut has been ruining livers. I'd rather play russian roulette then take that crap.

  21. What's funny is there is a production company that believes anyone but white trash from Fresno will tune in for this unholy mess.

    Why does he deserve a dime? He was a failed wannabe hip hop back up dancer, married the brass ring, treated her terribly, left when she became sick, and has been in the process of selling her back her kids for millions.

    Loser, dirtbag, who is really fat and ugly. Nope won't be checking that out.

  22. I don't know why I would love to see him on Dancing with the Stars, and I don't even watch that weird show. Maybe he's not elegible because he supposedly was a working dancer at one time? He's looked handsome in the past, trashy as hell tho.

  23. @ andy, hell, i'd do it for the free shit and medical back-up.
    my endless OA caused surgeries have cost my insurance company tons of money, but they won't pay for either a $33/month scrip, nor a $10k surgery for weight loss that might help me out. because i'm right on the the BMI fence.
    so, i guess, they'll keep paying for the team of docs and pain meds, future surgeries, orthodics, etc., etc.

    oh, and enty, you SO called this one!
